Tag Archives: Lamb of God

Revelation’s Lamb -Part 3


Living Church Ministries

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Demetrics and Pauline Roscoe

Editor: Val Gunter

Voiceover: Stephanie Bayles


The English word “revival” means awakening, restoration, and recovery, all of which the Book of Revelations teaches the Body of Christ.
The word, “revival” is being talked about in faith communities worldwide, and currently, in some churches, membership is outgrowing pre-planned remodeling efforts. However, even though souls are being saved and hearts are being healed and renewed; the word “revival” has become a dirty word amongst some faith-based communities. One recurring negative position opposing church revival is that “it never lasts”.

Perhaps, this life-changing event is not the problem. The problem may lie with the Body of Christ’s perception of invisible warfare, diabolical enemies of God that are not meant to be seen by their victims. Moreover, the enemy is clothed in self-righteousness so as to be concealed from view of the alarm from the Lamb of God. The call by the Lamb of Adonai is for strengthening, regeneration, and renewal of oneself by returning to God. But why should anybody need to repent when Grace is taught to be an insurance policy against Judgment?  Yeshua is not talking to a group who has rejected the Gospel message. The Messiah is talking to the Church.

Revelation 2:5
(Complete Word Study Bible Dictionary)

5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.
The reason the Lamb of God is depicted with seven horns and seven eyes is that horns represent sufficient authority, and the eyes symbolize sufficient awareness.

The Lamb of God as Though He Was Slain

Revelation 5:6 (KJV)

And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.

Our Messiah is the incomparable Preeminent King and the All-Mighty Omniscient Lamb! His innocence made Him conqueror of the Kingdom of darkness and our obedience to the Lamb of God makes us victorious Overcomers! And the Holy Spirit is the advocate of Adonai, who guides the child of God into the path of righteousness. At the same time, some have learned to teach the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which says “Sexual Promiscuity” is covered under Grace. Yes, if a child of God sins, and truly repents, then the function of the Advocate is not to cover ungodliness but is to restore the believer in right standings with God.

(Easton Bible Dictionary)

The church at Ephesus (Rev 2:6 is commended for hating the “deeds” of the Nicolaitans, and the church of Pergamos is blamed for having them who hold their “doctrines” (15). They were seemingly a class of professing Christians, who sought to introduce into the church a false freedom or licentiousness, thus abusing Paul’s doctrine of grace (comp. 2 Pet 2:15, 16, 19), and were probably identical with those who held the doctrine of Baalam (q.v.), Rev 2:14.

2 Peter 3:18
(Complete Word Study Bible Dictionary)
18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever. Amen.

(Complete Word Study Bible Dictionary)

3875. παράκλητος paráklētos; gen. paraklḗtou, masc. noun from parakaléō (G3870), to comfort, encourage or exhort. It is properly a verbal adj. referring to aid of any kind.

(Complete Word Study Bible Dictionary)
παράκλητος paráklētos; The Holy Spirit is called a Paraclete because He undertakes Christ’s office in the world while Christ is not in the world as the God-Man in bodily form. In addition, the Holy Spirit is also called the Paraclete because He acts as Christ’s substitute on earth. When Christ in John 14:16 designates Himself as a Paraclete, the same as the Holy Spirit, the word must not be understood as applying to Christ in the same sense as in 1 John 2:1 where it refers to our substitutionary Advocate who pleads our cause with the Father. It should rather be taken as He who pleads God’s cause with us (see John 14:7-9). The words parakaléō (G3870) and paráklēsis (G3874), the act or process of comforting or advocating, do not occur at all in the writings of John.  Well-meaning preachers sometimes aid the enemy when the Grace of Adonai becomes shrouded by the believer’s perceived helplessness (the enemy’s secret weapon) and inadvertently ignore our own mighty spiritual ammunition – the exceedingly great Name of Jesus, His Precious Blood, God’s Holy Spirit working through us, the Word of God, and warring angels who are constantly fighting the adversary of our souls.
All the heavenly hosts might be saying, “If you can hear what I AM is saying, try to understand, demon spirits are plotting your destruction, but Yeshua, Christ our King will never give up on you!”

Revelation 5:1
(New Living Translation (NLT) Study Bible Notes)
5:1-14: John introduces the Lamb, Jesus Christ, the central figure of Revelation and God’s chosen agent for accomplishing his purposes.
5:1: The scroll (or book; also in 5:2-5, 7-9), like a dramatic script, details God’s plan for the world (Ps 139:16). • The right hand represents God’s gracious authority and power (see 1:17, 20). • The writing on the inside and the outside means that God’s plans for history are full and complete. • sealed with seven seals: God has put his purposes for history in an impermeable safe (Isa 29:11-12; Dan 8:26).

His purposes will be completed only when the seals are broken (see 5:4). The human mind is the most complex set of systems within the body and possesses the capacity of thought and decision making. However, the power of thinking also gives humans capabilities of making assessments. Individuals make opinions based on what they understand about what they believe as “one’s Faith”. For this reason, our Messiah came to John, on the island of Patmos, with several messages for the leaders of Asia Minor Churches. In Greek, the word “ἄγγελος” ággelos; usually a human leader responsible for bringing the church under the lordship of Jesus Christ, but if the “aggelos” or angel (bishop, pastor) misunderstands Christ’s urgent alert to the churches, they might fall into a state of apostasy.

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