Tag Archives: grace

Divorce & Christianity 6

Divorce & Christianity 6

Divorce & Christianity 6 discloses the reason why I believe that we’re all saying the same thing, that the tragedy of divorce has plagued the people of God throughout the centuries. However, our intended purpose for these blogs are to encourage families who have already experienced the pain of torn households.

cropped-Fotolia_21244357_XS.jpgMy purpose for this blog is to say there is grace at the Cross of Christ for you.  My prayer is that you may become fruitful disciples and productive laborers in the work of the Lord.
In addition, my prayers are that this type of conversation will cause believers to see why pre-marriage counseling is so important. This would keep the engaged individuals from falling into Satan’s traps. The mindset throughout the engagement period can be blinding to the warning signals, alerts, and signals from the Holy Spirit. Biblical guidance from pastors to the star-struck fiances regarding conflict resolutions are greatly needed before the believers tie the knot. This is the only reason for sharing the story of the prophet Ezra. God’s people were openly marrying daughters of groups who worshiped powerful occult spirits. Those unions allowed powerful demons to enter into the homes and change the heart of God’s servants, the behavior known as spiritual fornication. King Solomon failed as a result to the same process.  Where there was once a time in his life he loved God with all his heart; unfortunately the king ended up building temples to his wife’s occult deities.

I have really been blessed to sit in the presence of some of the leading scholars surrounding Hebrew studies. Listening to scholars such as Dr. Roy Blizzard III, David Bivin, Dr. Ron Mosley, and Dr. Brett Young – all published authors of the Hebrew culture; I’ve listened to these men speak in conversational Hebrew while standing around at Hebrew conferences. The richness that they bring to the Scriptures is amazing to say the least. One of the most difficult tasks for Bible translators was to translate idioms and history from a Hebraic experience. The Western civilization interpreted a portion of the texts from a Hellenistic (Greek influence). Scripture such as Acts 12:4 4 And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people. (Act 12:4 KJV) is an example of a translation which most of today’s Bibles refused to translate the word “Easter”. The translation is not even close to the original Jewish feast called the week of unleavened bread or Passover.  The word Easter is the name of a pagan deity.
I greatly appreciate the works of David Bivin who authored the Difficult Sayings of Jesus, which may have surprised many believers by the eloquent way He gave life to the Scriptures. Another great book is entitled Guide to the Real Jesus, by Dr. Ron Mosley. In addition, Dr. Blizzard himself, has written many books from his Hebraic experiences and has helped many believers to understand the treasures found in the Bible.
I love the way the Amplified Bible breaks down Matthew 5:32 “but I tell you, whoever dismisses and repudiates and divorces his wife except on the grounds of unfaithfulness (sexual immorality), causes her to commit adultery and whosoever marries a woman who has been divorced commits adultery”. The Amplified separates ‘dismisses’ and brings the conjunctive ‘repudiation’ along with ‘divorce’. The collective action of these words result into a warning from the Lord that they who follow this behavior commits an adultery. This is why we must repent when we come into the knowledge of when and how we sin against God’s word. And be open to ask God’s forgiveness for any wrongful acts.

holy spiritAt the end of the day it is important that we remember the true mission of the Christian is to pull potential victims out of the realm of darkness and into the marvelous light of the Lord Jesus Christ. By sharing a brief history of this powerful demonic manifestation throughout the Scripture, it will empower us to protect our marriages.

Divorce & Christianity 6

For more information, below are web pages of the above mentioned authors and scholars:

David Bivin




Marvin Wilson




Brad Young





 George M. Lamsa





Ron Moseley





Ron Blizzard Jr





