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prosperity a doctrine of Heresy?

Prosperity a Doctrine of Heresy?

With different cultures there are different customs, such as diverse ways of saying “hello” and “goodbye.” Customs differ for instance, in Hawaii’s ancient culture when an arriving king from a neighboring tribe would come to the village of another king; the existing king of the village would throw a spear at the visiting King.  This unusual gesture was to ask: “What is your purpose for being here?” The arriving king would catch the spear.  This response was to assure the village king that his visit was of a friendly nature. I have personally seen this type of salutation demonstrated while visiting the Hawaiian Islands.


Another interesting custom which made it into European countries and the United States of America developed during the plague outbreak when thousands of people lost their lives.  A very strange salutation was coined and continues in America today. The custom included doctors going around asking patients, “How are you doing?” This greeting was adopted by English-speaking countries, especially America.

In a Hebrew speaking culture, the word for greeting and farewell is “Shalom.” This word is used by greeters to convey a blessing upon visitors as to speak wellness, peace and friendship into their lives. Shalom is equivalent to the English word ??????“prosperity.” However, the word “prosperity” is an ambiguous word and its definition changes based on the hearer’s culture.  Although the dictionaries’ definition of the word prosperity means state of being, physical existence, or total wellness; it is difficult to separate financial prosperity from the other definitions of the word.  What distinguishes the word, prosperity in Third John 1:2 is that this use of the word has always been a greeting or salutation.


KJV  3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

The word taken from this verse – both prosper and prospereth = 2137 ?????? euodoo {yoo-od-o’-o}

Meaning:  1) to grant a prosperous and expeditious journey, to lead by a direct and easy way 2) to grant a successful issue, to cause to prosper 3) to prosper, be successful (Strong’s Concordance).

 When the Bible student reads 3 John 1:2, he or she may easily misinterpret the word “prosperity” as a monetary blessing.  On the other hand, a reader who has been exposed to greetings of that culture would understand the term was being used as a salutation between a relative, a friend, or a church member.  In other words, Jews and early Church believers spoke blessings upon one another when they arrived for a visit or as they departed.

This is why some responsible manuscript interpreters translated this passage into the form of a blessing [benediction]. The following translations prove that 3 John 1:2 narrative was not about money, but more about a person’s well-being and their walk with God.

 optimal wellness in wood type

CJB  3 John 1:2 Dear friend, I am praying that everything prosper with you and that you be in good health, as I know you are prospering spiritually.

 MIT  3 John 1:2 Cherished one, I pray that in all respects you are making good progress and that you are in good health, comparable to your spiritual prosperity.

 NAS  3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.

 NIV  3 John 1:2 Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.

 NLT  3 John 1:2 Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.

Prosperity a Doctrine of Heresy?

The New English Translation

3Jo 1:2 Dear friend, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, just as it is well with your soul.44 (New English Translation)

The noun ???? (psuche) is used ten times in the Gospel of John and two times in 1 John.  Six of these uses in John and the two in 1 John refer to a person’s “life” (as something that can be laid down). In Joh 10:24 and Joh 12:27 the ???? is that part of a person where emotions are experienced; one’s ???? is held in suspense or deeply troubled. This is, in other words, the immaterial part of a person as opposed to his physical existence. A close parallel is found in Philo, Heir 58 (285): “nourished with peace, he will depart, having gained a calm, unclouded life…welfare in the body, welfare in the soul (????)…health and strength…delight in virtues.”

sn Just as it is well with your soul. The equivalent contemporary idiom would be to speak of ‘spiritual’ health as opposed to physical health. The author affirms that Gaius is indeed well off spiritually, and he prays that Gaius’ physical health would match his spiritual health, i.e., that Gaius would be as well off physically as he is spiritually. It is the spiritual health which is to be the standard by which one’s physical health is measured, not the other way round.

 2137 ?????? euodoo {yoo-od-o’-o}

Meaning:  1) to grant a prosperous and expeditious journey, to lead by a direct and easy way 2) to grant a successful issue, to cause to prosper 3) to prosper, be successful

Origin:  from a compound of 2095 and 3598; TDNT – 5:109,666; v

Usage:  AV – prosper 3, have a prosperous journey 1; 4


We were taught in Bible College that early Church leaders would have understood the prayer Jesus prayed in the garden was Psalms 118.  This is the passage where Jesus requested prosperity for those who would come to belief in him.

?????? tsaleach {tsaw-lay’-akh}

Meaning:  1) (Qal) to rush 2) to advance, prosper, make progress, succeed, be profitable 2a) (Qal) to prosper 2b) (Hiphil) 2b1) to make prosperous, bring to successful issue, cause to prosper 2b2) to show or experience prosperity, prosper


25 Save now, I beseech thee, O LORD: O LORD, I beseech thee, send now prosperity.

 26 Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the LORD: we have blessed you out of the house of the LORD. (Psa 118:25-26 KJV) tradition says


25 Please, ADONAI! Save us! Please, ADONAI! Rescue us!

 26 Blessed is he who comes in the name of ADONAI. We bless you from the house of ADONAI. (Psa 118:25-26 CJB)


25 LORD, save us! LORD, grant us success!

 26 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD. From the house of the LORD we bless you.

 (Psa 118:25-26 NIV)


RSV  Psalm 118:25 Save us, we beseech thee, O LORD! O LORD, we beseech thee, give us success! (Psa 118:25 RSV)


NLT  Psalm 118:25 Please, LORD, please save us. Please, LORD, please give us success. (Psa 118:25 NLT)


??????? shalowm or ?????? shalom {shaw-lome’}

Meaning:  1) completeness, soundness, welfare, peace 1a) completeness (in number) 1b) safety, soundness (in body) 1c) welfare, health, prosperity 1d) peace, quiet, tranquillity, contentment 1e) peace, friendship 1e1) of human relationships 1e2) with God especially in covenant relationship 1f) peace (from war) 1g) peace (as adjective)

More research and breakdown from the new English translation expository

A noun common masculine singular absolute.

 The new English translation for the Hebrew word shalom


???????: being whole, intact; prosperity, peace: — 1. ease, unaffectedness: l®š¹lôm calmly, unaffectedly Gn 374; š¹lôm l¹kem, do not be worried Gn 4324; °îš š®lômî my confidant Ps 4110, so pl. °anšê š®lœmî Je 3822 & °®nôš š ®lômî Je 2010; — 2. prosperity, success Is 4818; š®lôm par±œh what is advantageous to Ph. Gn 4116; — 3. intactness, wholeness: l®š¹lôm unmolested Gn 4417; b®š¹lôm unhurt 2629; h¹yâ š¹lôm be safe 2S 173; š¹lôm l¹k (as formula of greeting) Ju 1920; š¹lôm all is well 2K 423; — 4. (personal wholeness:) well-being, state of health &c.: š®lôm °aµeyk¹ how your brothers are Gn 3714; š¹lôm lô, he is fine 4328; h­š¹lôm °attâ how are you? 2S 209; mâ hašš¹lôm how can everything be all right? 2K 922; š®lôm hammilµ¹mâ how the battle is going 2S 117; (liš°œl) lišlôm ask how s.one is Gn 4327 2K 1013; — 5. prosperous relationship = peace: bên … ûbên 1S 714; q¹r¹° l®š¹lôm l®/°el offer peace to Dt 2010 Ju 2113; ±¹nâ š¹lôm °¢t accept peace w. Dt 2011; ±¹´â š¹lôm l® make peace w. Jos 915; b¹° °el-°­bœt¹yw b®š¹lôm = die Gn 1515; l®š¹lôm w. peaceful intentions 1K 2018; b¹° š¹lôm enter into peace Is 572; — 6. (weakened >) kindness: °¹saf š®lœmô m¢°¢t withdraw one’s friendship from Je 165; dibber š¹lôm speak in a friendly fashion to Ps 283; — 7. (strengthened >) total prosperity, salvation: (h¹yâ) š¹lôm m¢±im yhwh l® prosperity, salvation from Y. to 1K 233; yhwh š¹lôm as name of altar Ju 624; b®rît š®lœmî my covenant of salvation Is 5410. (pg 371)