Tag Archives: faithful

spirit of prohesy4

 spirit of prophesy4

A nine-year-old Chicago boy was executed in a back yard in broad daylight after he ran outside upset because he could not have a cupcake.9 year old boy

Antonio Smith was shot multiple times in the chest Wednesday afternoon around 4:30 p.m. outside his South Side apartment building, according to police. His killer still has not been found.

Why people become what they are


We are the product of how we see our world

While sitting in a clergy wellness class, to my amazement, the  instructor said, “motivation as well as procrastination are biological brain functions”. I thought to myself, how can “motivation” or “procrastination” be anything other than human emotions? Generally thinking, procrastinators are those who delay the start of a task, while the individuals who are generally motivated are easy to get up for the undertaking. Nonetheless, at the end of that aforementioned lecture, I had learned a bit of very useful information about the technique of calming the human soul; it comes in the form of correct thinking (reasoning). Cognitive thinking effects human brain functionality. In reverse, negative thinking becomes a driving force that controls the way an individual sees the world. The instructor told us that self-talk (talking out loud) helps an individual to adjust and re-focus their rationale. Consequently, what goes into one’s ear has an effect on what they will become.

There seems to be a special part of the brain, which carries Fotolia_37787822_XSthe
capability that captures images from the human eye, ear, and even words from the mouth which construes reality. Amazingly, the brain interprets what it perceives as information which enters through human eyes; then, it’s a process by the Occipital Gland, located in the rear of the brain.

Wisegeekhealth.com  Web page                                  “The statement that people have eyes in the back of their head may have a little truth to it. In the brain, the occipital lobe is located in the back of the head. It is actually two lobes, with a right and left side corresponding to right/left brain hemispheres. This area is responsible for controlling most vision and visual processing. Thus, while a person may not see out the back of his or her head, they see from it and this area of the brain interprets the images taken in by the eyes.”                                                                       http://www.wisegeekhealth.com/what-is-the-occipital-lobe.htm#

In actuality, a person can change their outlook on life by enhancing brain function. In other words, people are teaching themselves to have a healthier life through healthy thinking. The problem is, these researchers are over 2000 years behind the Bible.


5 Assume among yourselves the attitude characterizing Christ Jesus: in        6 Who, possessing God’s image, did not consider equality with God a right to be clutched.  7 Instead, he surrendered his rights, taking on a slave’s role as his human identity.  8 In view of his human status he humbled himself, becoming submissive even to death—death on a cross at that!       9 Consequently, God exalted him superlatively, graciously granting him the title that transcends every honorific.   10 He did this that in deference to the name, Jesus, every knee would flex, from realms heavenly, earthly, subterranean,  11 and every tongue would voice the acclamation: Kvrios Y—soûs Christòs [“Lord Jesus Christ!”], to the glory of Father God. (Phi 2:5-11 MIT)

The words the Lord heard from his Father and the praises which supersede from the Angels forged the Savior of the world. Just like King David, who, while shepherding the sheep, became a mighty warrior for God in a time of praise and worship in solitude.  An individual’s personal convictions follow the direction of their moral compass.                                                           Satan’s plan for the world is to sabotage the human moral compass, causing men to accept ungodly behavior and adjusting to the darkness that surrounds them. As our educational systems continue to adjust to this dimming light, the same is true for the political arena and lawmakers as well. The beautiful glorious light that once illuminated the way for this nation’s morality is getting dimmer and dimmer.

The question is why are all of these things happening so rapidly?   Is there some unseen force re-programming the human brain to accept Satan’s tactics? Darkness continues to implement itself into society and the world keeps adjusting to the different shades of light. According to Second Timothy, prophecy tells us that there will be a falling away from Bible truth. The secular community will begin to decide right from wrong. This is true, as well as for an individual who listens to so-called Gospel music, which lyrics sound good but lack power and transformation, which gives the believer victory over temptation. This type of message in the lyrics has the same deadly consequences as secular music.

5 having a facade of godliness while denying its power. Keep away from these people. (2Ti 3:5 MIT)

 spirit of prophesy4

For any group of individuals, who haven’t noticed in rFotolia_65097477_XSecent years,
governmental leaders seem to be under some kind of enchantment, as though their minds are under the control of some spiritual puppet master. Heads of States are making decisions to put the world in danger of global war and terrorist groups are becoming aggressively worse than ever before. The puppet master is on the move with power to enslave the minds of man. Every person who does not have the mind of Christ will begin to see the world by means of a secular perverted approach. What’s outside of the sealed envelope of salvation is targeted for this darkness. Reports where children are being beheaded in the middle-east, the threat of world war being suspended over Europe, and the presence of satanic activity is on the rise as never before. From around the globe, reports of strange and unusual weather related events are occurring; one may ask the question – how can the world become so evil in such a short time? The answer is the human mind is more open to a satanic mindset than ever before. As spirits are released into the earth, they are that free to operate without resistance because the widespread “pop-gospel” no longer prepares the church to wrestle with principalities according to the book of Ephesians.

Fotolia_23485703_XS-(1)The time has come when believers are accepting feel-good messages rather than the life-changing power of the Gospel. The moral compass of humanity is dictated by television, movies and the music empire.



 Human cognition is and enhances brain function and true health

[rev_slider Thinkers]

This website is scientific proof that the human brain is teachable all the way to the point of changing who a person is. This website is not a negative site, it actually can help people improve bad behavior. The point is that all persons’ disposition can be rewritten while the brain is in rewrite mode.


 A Guest Blog by Heather Edwards.

The benefit of this site is to help individuals take moments of the past and change mindsets because the brain is able of repairing past memories.

How do you get that toxic person or awful moment out of your head?

Start by noticing your experience of the situation:

How does it affect you? What are your thoughts? What are your feelings?

What’s happening in your body? Instead of looking outward for a quick fix, look inward. Pay attention. Care for yourself. By watching your body and internal dialogue you can become aware; and its useful. If you start spinning out, you can notice it and reach out for some help. If you are down, you can talk about it. And, if you follow your breathing and slow down, you may just start to feel more grounded.

Catch your internal monologue in action:


 MIT  2 Timothy 3:1 Understand that in the final epoch, stressful times will set in.  2 For human beings will be self-serving, money-loving, braggarts, arrogant, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ingrates, unholy,                       3 hardhearted, irreconcilable, slanderers, violent, vicious, abhorrent of goodness,   4 traitors, reckless, conceited, pleasure-lovers rather than lovers of God,   5 having a facade of godliness while denying its power. Keep away from these people.   6 For among these types are those who sneak into houses and captivate inferior women, overwhelmed with sins, and driven by multiple lusts. (2Ti 3:1-6 MIT)

3 Be aware of this as primary: In the latter, epoch scoffers motivated by their own carnal compulsions will come forward with sneers,   4 saying, “Where is his promised coming? For from the time our ancestors rested in peace, everything remains just as it was from the origin of creation.” (2Pe 3:3-4 MIT)

 spirit of prophesy4