Tag Archives: faithful

What is truth?

What is truth


“What is truth?” Pilate asked.

“Truth” [GING] ἀλήθεια
ἀλήθεια, ας, truth: Truth as characteristic of divine or human action.     John 1:17; 3:21; 1 Cor 13:6; Eph 4:24.

  Phil 1:18; 2 J 1. With ἐν, ἐπί, κατά in reality truly, certainly Mt 22:16; Mk 12:14; Lk 22:59; Ro 2:2.

“What is truth,” the governor Pontius Pilate asked Jesus? Unfortunately, Pilate never stopped to listen for an answer.

37 Pilate said, “So you are a king?” Jesus responded, “You say I am a king. Actually, I was born and came into the world to testify to the truth. All who love the truth recognize that what I say is true.”

 38 “What is truth?” Pilate asked. Then he went out again to the people and told them, “He is not guilty of any crime. (Joh 18:37-38 NLT)

An interesting phrase  by Jesus: “testifying to the truth,” but what does this phrase mean? It seems that truth has nothing to do with correct answers, but rather it refers to the way a person lives. The truth that Jesus was speaking about transcends social correctness. This example of truth is best understood when an individual falls in love with God’s instructions for life.

[ἀλήθεια as characteristic of divine character or human action]

When Christian lifestyle lines up with the Word of God, then thatprayer4 godlike character becomes the most powerful way to present the Gospel. When the world sees Christians happily living the Christian life, the presentation of the Gospel becomes more attractive.

CEB  2 Thessalonians 2:10 It will happen with every sort of wicked deception of those who are heading toward destruction because they have refused to love the truth that would allow them to be saved. (2Th 2:10 CEB)

We have to be careful so that our hearts never become lukewarm toward God’s Word. Those whose hearts are hardened against God’s instructions can no longer hear clearly to understand what the will of the Lord is.

14 This fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah that says, ‘When you hear what I say, you will not understand. When you see what I do, you will not comprehend.

 15 For the hearts of these people are hardened, and their ears cannot hear, and they have closed their eyes– so their eyes cannot see, and their ears cannot hear, and their hearts cannot understand, and they cannot turn to me and let me heal them.’

 16 “But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear.

 17 I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, but they didn’t see it. And they longed to hear what you hear, but they didn’t hear it. (Mat 13:14-17 NLT)

When humans try to understand God’s Word, but does not obey His instructions about living, they will produce a man-made doctrine.


17 He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive him, because it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him. But you know him, because he lives with you now and later will be in you. (Joh 14:17 NLT)

 11 Dear brothers and sisters, I want you to understand that the gospel message I preach is not based on mere human reasoning.

 12 I received my message from no human source, and no one taught me. Instead, I received it by direct revelation from Jesus Christ.

 13 You know what I was like when I followed the Jewish religion– how I violently persecuted God’s church. I did my best to destroy it.

 14 I was far ahead of my fellow Jews in my zeal for the traditions of my ancestors.

 15 But even before I was born, God chose me and called me by his marvelous grace. Then it pleased him (Gal 1:11-15 NLT)

The Prayers of a man who’s heart was after God.

Let us look into the prayers of a man whose form of worship was after God’s own heart.

NLT  Psalm 119:1 Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the LORD.

 2 Joyful are those who obey his laws and search for him with all their hearts.

 3 They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in his paths.

 4 You have charged us to keep your commandments carefully.

 5 Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your decrees!

 6 Then I will not be ashamed when I compare my life with your commands.

 7 As I learn your righteous regulations, I will thank you by living as I should!

 8 I will obey your decrees. Please don’t give up on me!

 9 How can a young person stay pure? By obeying your word.

 10 I have tried hard to find you– don’t let me wander from your commands.

 11 I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

 12 I praise you, O LORD; teach me your decrees.

 13 I have recited aloud all the regulations you have given us.

 14 I have rejoiced in your laws as much as in riches.

 15 I will study your commandments and reflect on your ways.

 16 I will delight in your decrees and not forget your word.

 17 Be good to your servant, that I may live and obey your word.

 18 Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions.

 19 I am only a foreigner in the land. Don’t hide your commands from me!

 20 I am always overwhelmed with a desire for your regulations.

 21 You rebuke the arrogant; those who wander from your commands are cursed.

 22 Don’t let them scorn and insult me, for I have obeyed your laws.

 23 Even princes sit and speak against me, but I will meditate on your decrees.

 24 Your laws please me; they give me wise advice.

 25 I lie in the dust; revive me by your word.

 26 I told you my plans, and you answered. Now teach me your decrees.

 27 Help me understand the meaning of your commandments, and I will meditate on your wonderful deeds.

 28 I weep with sorrow; encourage me by your word.

 29 Keep me from lying to myself; give me the privilege of knowing your instructions.

 30 I have chosen to be faithful; I have determined to live by your regulations. (Psa 119:1-30 NLT)