Tag Archives: bible prophesy

Gog and Magog III

 Gog and Magog III

The entire world has become a very dangerous place.


Rev 10:11 And they said to me, “You must prophesy again concerning many peoples and nations and tongues and kings.”

 “Who is like the beast, and who can fight with him?”

 At least 24 times, the word power or dominion appears in the book of Revelation. The words, “power or dominion,” appears when they are related to the mysterious conquerors mentioned in Bible prophecy. In the book of Revelation, the two individuals with supernatural abilities will influence the nations of the world and bring the world under its control. The beast, as referred to by the book of Revelation, is a leader who controls the economics of his region of the world. The nations would resist the beast, unfortunately, those nations would also find themselves crushed economically because of the influence of this prophetic character.

 McDonald’s Idiom Translation

MIT Revelation 13:1 I saw, emerging from the sea, a beast having ten horns and seven heads. Upon his horns were ten royal crowns. Also on his heads were blasphemous epithets.

2 The beast I saw resembled a leopard; his feet were like those of a bear; his mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority.

3 One of his heads was mortally wounded, but his mortal wound healed. All the earth went wild with wonder over the beast.

4 They worshiped the dragon because he had given the power to the beast. Also they worshiped the beast, saying: “Who is like the beast, and who can fight with him?”

 dragon huntThe beast is depicted in Scripture as having ten horns on its head and it seems that the beast would receive a mortal wound, but the beast would recover from its injuries. Interestingly, the Russian Republic was one of the world’s most powerful group of nations. While it may appear to be a thing of the past, the old Soviet Union has started its path of conquering nations all over again. Consequently, Russia has returned to power and resembles the old Soviet Union. Arrogant and obstinate, Russia is now pushing forward to divide and conquer.

 Recently, President Obama asked the European nations to set up sanctions against Russia’s advancement toward Ukraine, but the leaders of those nations concluded that they were too financially interwoven with Russia. Therefore, the sanctions would jeopardize their own financial situations. These nations make up the organization of nations who have agreed to trade with each other. This group is called the G 10.

 What is more interesting about the G 10 group, is that there are more nations than 10, however they refused to change their number to any other number except 10.

 From Wikipedia,

Group of Ten Members

The Group of Ten or G-10 refers to the group of countries that have agreed to participate in the General Arrangements to Borrow (GAB). The GAB was established in 1962, when the governments of eight International Monetary Fund (IMF) members—Belgium, Canada, France, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States—and the central banks of two others, Germany and Sweden, agreed to make resources available to the IMF for drawings by participants, and, under certain circumstances, for drawings by nonparticipants. The GAB was strengthened in 1964 by the association of the eleventh member, Switzerland, thenMoney concept a nonmember of the Fund, but the name of the G10 remained the same. The following international organizations are official observers of the activities of the G10: the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), European Commission, International Monetary Fund, and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

 A dispute over economic trade led to World War II in 1940. The same could become true as global economics reaches a critical stage.

On the other front, which is in the Middle East, the conflict between Israel and the Gaza Strip are escalating.  A thought-provoking point is that Hamas is firing rockets into Israel, however, Israel is being perceived as the bad guy by the international press. It is this perception that might ignite global war against Israel. The world will see themselves as equalizing the odds against the better equipped Israeli military.

Gog and Magog III

BING News reported

Global involvement makes thing dangerous for America

In the northern Gaza Strip, Palestinian officials reported intensified Israeli air strikes and shellings which caused numerous civilian casualties, including a mother and four children. Dozens of others were wounded and were rushed to a local hospital in Beit Lahiya. Gaza Health Ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Kidra said the new round of airstrikes raised the death toll from the 12-day offensive to 325 Palestinians, many of them civilians and about a fifth of them children.

An Egyptian truce proposal was rejected by Hamas, which has ruled Gaza since 2007 and has demanded the lifting of an Israeli and Egyptian blockade as part of any cease-fire agreement.

On Saturday, 7/19/2014, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri repeated a call for the two sides to adopt its cease-fire initiative, saying it is the only offer on the table despite efforts from Hamas backers Turkey and Qatar to broker a deal.

No one really knows if this is the last scene ending global peace. Hamas is the group which is part of this religious revelation to eliminate the nation of Israel in a holy war. Turkey is the part of the region which the Bible calls Gog and Magog. Hopefully, the saints are mature and faithful when these regions come to a prophetic explosion. The stage is set for the beast from Europe and the false prophet that leaves Gog and Magog to continue to war against the holy ones of Israel. The beast has been given power to persuade nations, and evidence of this influence might be already at work.

5 Eloquence was given to the beast to make outrageous pronouncements and to utter blasphemies. Power to perform for 42 months was granted him.

6 He opened his mouth to blaspheme God—to blaspheme his name, his dwelling, and those who live in heaven.

7 Power was given to him to attack the holy ones and to overcome them. Also power was granted to him over every tribe, people, language group, and nation.

8 All the inhabitants of the earth worshiped him, that is, every person whose name was not written in the life-book belonging to the lamb slain from the foundation of the universe.

9 If anyone has ears, he should listen.

10 If anyone is headed for captivity, he will be captured. If anyone is to be slain by sword, he will be slain.

 We see here that the situation calls for the endurance and faithfulness of the holy ones.                                                           Gog and Magog III