Writing in the sand

Writing in the sand.

Jesus Finger Writing in the SandMany preachers have attempted to explain the meaning of the story where we see Jesus writing in the sand. As the story goes, a group of religious leaders were judging a woman who was accused of committing adultery. This was an illegal action because only the woman was present. Where was the man? We also read that the leaders began to leave one by one as they saw Jesus writing. The elders left first.

8 Then he bent down and wrote in the dust again. 9 On hearing this, they began to leave, one by one, the older ones first, until he was left alone, with the woman still there. (Joh 8:8-9 CJB)

What appears to be a mystery is that we do not know what Jesus was writing. According to ancient Jewish texts, the religious leaders knew that if prophesy was true and this was the Jewish Messiah; then He was also the Word of God. In other words, the Messiah was the

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