True Beauty


Living Church Ministries

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Demetrics and Pauline Roscoe

True Beauty

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

Its OKay, I’m here for you.

Vision or Sight

Casting a Vision is the gift of projecting an image of something or someone else’s thoughts. Casting a vision is necessary for moving a church in the direction of a passionate leader. 

To teach someone how to have sight is quite different. No matter how convoluted a story appears, the student who has insight will always recognize the Subject and the Subject’s purpose.

Tree of Righteousness

The Object is the Son of God, and the objective is to the introduction of a King whose Kingdom will last forever. His counsel becomes the Law of Righteousness, whose statutes must be trusted. The most crucial slant to this narrative is the admiration the Heavenly Father has for  His Son. However, The Father loves the world, but the world is in a state of disrepair. So the Father sows a Seed, where after the seed germinates, Salvation is for anyone who eats the fruit from the tree of Righteousness, they will be saved. 

At His death, he morphs into preeminence and superiority, where He is given the title of “Messiah.”

The first miracle of human perception of the Messiah is to visualize the high sense of value the Father placed on HIS Son, and right here is where everything starts. The value placed on the Son.

The Child is born

Isaiah 9:6-7 (NLT)

6 For a child is born to us,  a son is given to us.  The government will rest on his shoulders.  And he will be called:  Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,  Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Human sight is not as simple as the process by which the video camera operates. 

Human sight is sometimes subjected by mode, familiarity, or interest, as with the statement, “beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.”

People have spent fortunes on art, where friends and relatives are calling them insane and a waste of money.

The truth is, mankind allocates their time and resources toward the things they value.

How much time do we allocate for the furthering of the Kingdom of the Messiah? Again, how much time do we designate for our relationship with Yeshua (Jesus Christ)?

Jewish Children’s spiritual education starts before the child speaks their first word; we get this from a course taught in Bible school. 

Jewish Education starts before a child’s first birthday.

Jewish parents would pronounce the name of our Lord, “ADONAI,” so that the first word spoken by an infant is the name of our LORD.

Reverence and awe of GOD’s name are taught to Jewish children very early in life. And specific emphasis is placed on the Name “Elohim,” where it is never enunciated in the Synagogue because of its Sacredness. Jews are careful to never use the name of the LORD in vain. So, a significant part of Jewish education is for the reverence of GOD. The Hebraic name, the Almighty, is revered in one’s heart and what HE says carries equally exceptional importance. 

Why we see what we see

Belief and the brain’s ‘God spot.’

Scientists say they have located the parts of the brain that control religious faith. And the research proves, they contend, that belief in a higher power is an evolutionary asset that helps human survival. Steve Connor reports

Belief and the brain’s ‘God spot.’

A belief in God is deeply embedded in the human brain, which is programmed for religious experiences, according to a study that analyses why religion is a universal human feature that has encompassed all cultures throughout history.

Scientists searching for the neural “God spot,” which is supposed to control religious belief, believe that there is not just one but several areas of the brain that form the biological foundations of religious belief.

The researchers said their findings support the idea that the brain has evolved to be sensitive to any form of belief that improves the chances of survival, which could explain why a belief in God and the supernatural became so widespread in human evolutionary history.

“Religious belief and behavior are a hallmark of human life, with no accepted animal equivalent, and found in all cultures,” said Professor Jordan Grafman, from the US National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke in Bethesda, near Washington. “Our results are unique in demonstrating that specific components of religious belief are mediated by well-known brain networks, and they support contemporary psychological theories that ground religious belief within evolutionary-adaptive cognitive functions.” 

Deuteronomy 4:7-10 (NLT)

7 For what great nation has a god as near to them as the Lord our God is near to us whenever we call on him? 8 And what great nation has decrees and regulations as righteous and fair as this body of instructions that I am giving you today?

9 “But watch out! Be careful never to forget what you yourself have seen. Do not let these memories escape from your mind as long as you live! And be sure to pass them on to your children and grandchildren. 10 Never forget the day when you stood before the Lord your God at Mount Sinai, where he told me, ‘Summon the people before me, and I will personally instruct them. Then they will learn to fear me as long as they live, and they will teach their children to fear me also.’

In many nations, children advance from their childhood into adulthood, perhaps, because of their culture or economic necessities. In that part of the world, children in these nations are not afforded an adolescent stage in life. By contrast, Christian homes in countries where children are allowed a teenage experience need to be vigilant because their youth is Satan’s primary targets for his indoctrinations.

If a teenager is asked if they ever believed in Jesus Christ, a small number may say yes. If that same group was asked if they ever believed in Santa Claus, a more significant number would say yes. 

About the time a child becomes a teenager, indoctrinations and influences have already taken place on several levels. From six years of age to the teens, spiritual imprinting is stamped into the mind of a child by Video games, Youtube, Chat Rooms, or music with anti-Christian messages. 

 Family Education Social-Emotional Development in Children.

Researchers say that the areas of the brain that is active in people of faith become initialized at the age of six years of age. This could prove why non-believers are passionate about Christmas Santa and decorations but are not apart of any home group or fellowship. This also explains why a little child of eight years old rescued the nation of Israel from Idolatry. What Josiah heard before his eight birthday stayed with until he became King. This child reformed the nation of Israel because of what was in his tiny heart.

Israel’s eight-year-old King Josiah

Josiah, also spelled Josias, (born c. 648 BCE—died 609), king of Judah (c. 640–609 BCE), who set in motion a reformation that bears his name and that left an indelible mark on Israel’s religious traditions (2 Kings 22–23:30).

Josiah | king of Judah | Britannica ;

Josiah was the grandson of Manasseh, king of Judah, and ascended the throne at age eight after the assassination of his father, Amon, in 641. For a century, ever since Ahaz, Judah had been a vassal of the Assyrian empire. The imperial policy imposed alien cults on Judah that suppressed or obscured the Israelite religious identity. After the death of King Ashurbanipal, the Assyrian empire fell into chaos; it could no longer assert its authority in Jerusalem. Egypt also was weak, and Judah thus obtained an unusual degree of independence from foreign powers. About 621 Josiah launched a program of national renewal, centered on the Temple in Jerusalem.  

Six-year-old Rudy, a kindergartener attending Jewish day school, came home one day and announced to the family that he believed Jesus was indeed the Son of God. Thinking wryly of the thousands of dollars she was spending for the child’s private-school education, Rudy’s mother gently reminded him that he was Jewish, “and most Jewish people don’t believe that Jesus is God’s son.” Still, Rudy was adamant.

“He is too,” the child insisted. “Because the rabbi told us that we’re all God’s children, so that means Jesus is God’s son and you’re one of God’s children, too, Mom, even though you’re a Mom!”

The exchange is a poignant reminder that spiritual thoughts and feelings are as much a part of the growth process for young children as their physical, mental, or emotional development.

Still, in a secular society where consumerism is king and progress is measured in scientific, rather than spiritual terms, researchers often ignore this aspect of a child’s being.

What Part of the Brain Is Responsible for Vision? As soon as the information passes from the optic nerve to the remainder of the brain, it is sent to the occipital lobe, where vision is processed.

Vision is an intricate function of the brain that extends from the front to the back of the head. To produce vision, the eyes record details and send it through the optic nerve to be processed by the occipital lobe.

The brain also integrates other information, such as sensory stimuli, to result in the application of sight, such as picking up an item. Problems with vision, such as vision gaps, can result from damage to specific parts of the brain.


Issac’s incredible spiritual insight into his father’s worship of ADONAI

When Issac looked into his father’s eyes as Abraham looked into Heaven and prayed. Young Issac saw something that was so beautiful; it was the sparkle in his father’s eyes when he talked to GOD.

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, which is the reason for Zechariah 12:10.

When someone steps in front of a speeding vehicle to push another person to safety, but they die at the cost of saving someone else, we call this an act of heroism. But can one imagine what the rescued soul calls their newfound friend? Perhaps a beautiful, selfishness guardian.

Most heroes didn’t get up the morning of their heroism and say I will give my life today to save someone’s life. If they had time to think about their moment of bravery, they just might turn and go in the opposite direction.

Nevertheless, Yeshua knew for thousands of years the cost he would pay because of His FATHER’s love for the undeserving. Yeshua had the right to refuse, but as with Issac and Abraham, Issac didn’t want to obstruct his father’s worship of ADONAI. Now that I know this, I feel responsible for my Savior’s death.

Yeshua hanging on the cross

John 19:37 (Jewish New Testament Commentary)

 Nevertheless, it may be that Yochanan understands this piercing as involving both Jews and Gentiles. It was done directly by the “nations” in the persons of Pilate and the Roman soldiers, yet it would not have happened without pressure from the Judeans (see Ac 2:22-23 &N). If this understanding is correct, then both Jews and Gentiles pierced Yeshua and share responsibility for his death, and will regret what they did when they look upon him-whether spiritually now or literally when he returns.

 Zechariah 12:10 also points to the future salvation of national Israel, which the New Testament confirms by Sha’ul’s words, “… all Israel will be saved” (Ro 11:26a &N).

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