The word


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Did Jesus “Fill” or “Fulfill” the Torah?

(Complete Jewish Bible)
We see the question asked from the introduction of the CJB, Translation by David H Stern Ph, D.
Did Yeshua “Fill” or “Fulfill” the Torah? The common Greek word plerosai means “to fill.” At Mattityahu 5:17 (Matthew) most translations render it “to fulfill.” The theological implication often drawn is that Yeshua (Jesus Christ) fulfilled all the prophecies of the Tanakh, so that none remain today for the Jews, and that He obeyed every relevant Torah command so that no one needs to observe the Torah today. But these conclusions do not follow logically, and in fact, they contradict Yeshua’s immediately preceding statement that He did not come to abolish (or destroy) the Torah. More fundamental, however, is the translation issue of whether plerosai ought to be rendered “to fulfill” at all. My view is that Yeshua came not to fulfill, but to fill the Torah and the ethical pronouncements of the Prophets full with their complete meaning so that everyone can know all that obedience entails. For this reason, the JCB’s B’rit Hadashah (New Testament) says that Yeshua came “not to abolish but to complete.”

Our finite minds are trying to Understand an Infinite God.

Through my tiny existence in this world, I can now understand that Adonai is un-understandable, but His Son came as His “λόγος lógos;” “God’s Revealed” or the One who opens the divine curtains, so that I can grasp with the mind “אֱלֹהִים ’elōhiym,” “God.”
After I let the arisen Savior into my heart, this is where the Holy Spirit takes over and teaches my conscience the ways of “אֱלֹהִים ’elōhiym,” GOD. In the Jewish Synagogue אֱלֹהִים ’elōhiym is held to be sacred.
So, when I let the Light of the Word shine on my behavior, then I can see that I fall short and need a Savior.

(CWSB Dictionary)
H3068. יְהוָֹה yehōwāh: A noun meaning God. The word refers to the proper name of the God of Israel, particularly the name by which He revealed Himself to Moses (Ex. 6:2, 3). The divine name has traditionally not been pronounced, primarily out of respect for its sacredness (cf. Ex. 20:7; Deut. 28:58). Until the Renaissance, it was written without vowels in the Hebrew text of the Old Testament, being rendered as YHWH. However, since that time, the vowels of another word, ’aḏōnāy (H0136), have been supplied in hopes of reconstructing the pronunciation.

הָיָה hāyāh “I AM that I AM”

הָיָה hāyāh: A verb meaning to exist, to be, to become, to happen, to come to pass, to be done. It is used over 3, 500 times in the Old Testament. In the simple stem, the verb often means to become, to take place, to happen.

Although the exact derivation of the name is uncertain, most scholars agree that its primary meaning should be understood in the context of God’s existence, namely, that He is the “I AM THAT I AM” (Ex. 3:14), the One who was, who is, and who always will be (cf. Rev. 11:17).

So those who trust His Message must also obey what He says.
What is a fantastic point here to me is that the definition of the title placed on Messiah is “The Word.”

Chamber’s English Dictionary
reveal1 /ri-vēl’/
transitive verb1.To make known, as by divine means or inspiration
2.To disclose
3.To divulge
4.To make visible
5.To allow to be seen

(Easton’s Bible Dictionary)
(Gr. Logos), one of the titles of our Lord, found only in the writings of John (John 1:1 14; 1 John 1 John 1:1 Rev 19:13). As such, Christ is the revealer of God. His office is to make God known. “No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him” (John 1:18). This title designates the divine nature of Christ. As the Word, he “was in the beginning” and “became flesh.” “The Word was with God ” and “was God,” and was the Creator of all things (comp. Ps.33: 6; Rev 19:13; 119:89; Rev 19:13; Isa 40:8.

As end-time prophecy continues its fulfillment before our eyes, one can only yield to the absolute total mastery of the power of God throughout events of this human age.

John 3:16-21 (New Living Translation Study Bible Text)
16 “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.17 God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.
18 “There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s One and only Son. 19 And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s Light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the Light, for their actions were evil.20 All who do evil hate the Light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed.21 But those who do what is right come to the Light so others can see that they are doing what God wants.”

Romans 1:18-20 (Amplified Bible – AMP)
Unbelief and Its Consequences
18 For [God does not overlook sin and] the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who in their wickedness suppress and stifle the truth, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within them [in their inner consciousness], for God made it evident to them. 20 For ever since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through His workmanship [all His creation, the wonderful things that He has made], so that they [who fail to believe and trust in Him] are without excuse and without defense.

Again, Adonai demonstrates control over time and controls what happens in that same length of time through His ability to foretell world events in astonishing details.

Here are prophecies of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, fulfilling His Messianic role: He has to accomplish within His lifetime, as fully the Word of God while still in human form. And, He has to complete those things that must come to past that would identify His Messianic office. This is only a short list of the Tenet of the Messiah.

The source in the First Covenant Fulfillment in the New Covenant

  • Be the “seed of Abraham” Genesis 12:3;
  • Fulfillment Matthew 1:1; Acts 3:25; Galatians 3:16
  • Be the “seed of Issac” Genesis 17:19; 21:12;
  • Fulfillment Matthew 1:2; Luke 3:34; Messianic Jews 11:17-19
  • Be the “seed of Jacob” and the “star out of Ya’akov” who will “have dominion” Genesis 28:14; Numbers 24:17, 19;
  • Fulfillment Matthew 1:2; Luke 3:34; Revelation 22:16
  • Be a descendant of Judah Genesis 49:10;
  • Fulfillment Matthew 1:2-3; Luke 3:33; Hebrews 7:14
  • Be a descendant of David and heir to his throne 2 Samuel 7:12-13; Isaiah 9:6(7); 11:1-5; Jeremiah 23:5;
  • Fulfillment Matthew 1:1, 6; Acts 13:22-23; Romans 1:3
  • Have God’s Own name, The mighty God, applied to him Isaiah 9:5-6(6-7); Jeremiah 23:5-6
  • Fulfillment Romans 10:9; Philippians 2:9-11
  • Come 69 x 7 years (483 years) after the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem Daniel 9:24-26;
  • Fulfillment Matthew 2:1, 16, 19; Luke 3:1,23
  • Be born in Bethlehem, in Judah Micah 5:1(2)
  • Fulfillment Matthew 2:1; Luke 2:4-7
  • Be preceded by one who would announce him Isaiah 40:3-5; Malachi 3:1;
  • Fulfillment Matthew 3:1-3; Luke 1:17; 3:2-6
  • Be anointed with the Spirit of God Isaiah 11:2, 61:1; Psalm 45:8(7)
  • Fulfillment Matthew 3:16; John 3:34; Acts 10:38
  • Have a ministry of binding up the brokenhearted, proclaiming liberty to the captives and announcing the acceptable year of the Lord Isaiah 61:1-2
  • Fulfillment Luke 4:18-19
  • Have a ministry of healing Isaiah 35:5-6; 42:18;
  • Fulfillment Matthew 11:5; throughout the Gospels
  • Have a ministry in the Galilee Isaiah 8:23-9:1(9:1-2);
  • Fulfillment Matthew 4:12-16
  • Be sinless and without guile Isaiah 53:91
  • Fulfillment Peter 2:22


Matthew 4:17 (NLT)
17 From then on, Jesus began to preach, “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.”

Strong’s Greek word number 3340. “Repent”
μετανοέω metanoéō; contracted metanoṓ, metanoḗsō, from metá
(G3326), denoting change of place or condition, and noéō
(G3539), to exercise the mind, think, comprehend. To repent, change the mind, relent.
In other words, one who complies as a result of repenting.

In the examination of the theological significance of the Greek word μετανοέω metanoéō (Repentance), One may find both Ἰησοῦς Iēsoús (Jesus) and Ἰωάννης Iōánnēs; (John) expressing great emphasis that the human soul must return to יְהוָֹה yehōwāh; ADONAI.

Repentance allows us to be wrong about our prejudice and opinions of one another, with the facility to making changes. When we look at Calvary, we see a King, who doesn’t belong there. Does the Messiah make demands of His rights or familiarize everyone of His innocence? Satan controls the natural realm and all of its emotions and human priorities. However, the new creature, the born again believer understands they are celestial creatures, a divine design walking out a fixed behavioral pattern, the Word of God. Therefore, we are celestial beings who are about to burst from our cocoons into an unimaginable beautiful Kingdom prepared for those who acclimatize into readiness for such a place.

The old man or the sinful nature become a bitter aftertaste in the mouth of the regenerated. Where once sin was gratifying and alluring, now only praises and thanksgiving to the All-mighty Adonai dominate a mind that follows hard after Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah.
Yeshua’s preaching caused many to die to their worldly nature; thus, they began trusting a Kingdom believed to be hidden in every believer’s heart. The new converts realized that they were never supposed to be part of this current darkness.

John 1:11-14 (Complete Word Study Bible)
11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Here is real “Grace: When Adonai gives us ἐξουσία exousía; it is permissible and allowable for a new convert to approach His Light. He comes alongside to aid the newcomer in walking like Him. Yeshua gives “strength” (dúnamis) in His Name.

  1. ἐξουσία exousía; gen. exousías, fem. noun from éxesti (G1832), it is permissible, allowed. Permission, authority, right, liberty, the power to do something (Acts 26:12). As éxesti denies the presence of a hindrance, it may be used either of the capability or the right to do a certain action. The words éxesti and exousía combine the two ideas of right and might. As far as right, authority, or capability is concerned, it involves ability, power, strength (dúnamis [G1411]) as in Matt. 9:8; 28:18.

The power of doing something, (capacity, ability, faculty) are in Yeshua’s Name. All of our scars healed, and they only serve as testimonies.

John 1:3-5 (Message Bible)
3 Everything was created through him;
nothing—not one thing!—
came into being without him.
4 What came into existence was Life,
and the Life was Light to live by.
5 The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness;
the darkness couldn’t put it out.


Ἰησοῦς Iēsoús; gen. Iēsoú, masc. proper noun transliterated from the Hebr. Yēshū‘a (3091, OT), Adonai his help. Jesus, Jehoshua, contracted to Joshua (Neh. 8:17).

  1. Ἰωάννης Iōánnēs; gen. Iōánnou, masc. proper noun transliterated from the Hebr. Yōchānān (3110, OT), Adonai-given or Adonai has been gracious. John. This name is given to five different persons in the NT.

Walking His righteousness is our safe place and security against the evil one.
Psalms 119:114-115 (AMPC)
114 You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in Your word.
115 Depart from me, you evildoers, that I may keep the commandments of my God [hearing, receiving, loving, and obeying them].

Psalms 119:105-106 (CJB)
105 Your word is a lamp for my foot
and Light on my path.
106 I have sworn an oath and confirmed it,
that I will observe your righteous rulings.

Psalms 119:105-106 (MSG)
105 By your words I can see where I’m going;
they throw a beam of Light on my dark path.
106 I’ve committed myself and I’ll never turn back
from living by your righteous order.

Matthew 4:1 (Jewish New Testament Commentary)
1 The Adversary. Greek diabolos (usually transliterated “devil”) translates Hebrew satan, “adversary, opponent, rebel.” In Isaiah 14:11-15, between the lines of a taunt against the king of Babylon, can be read the downfall of a creature who was once both powerful and beautiful but who in pride rebelled against God and came to oppose him; Ezekiel 28:11-19 is similar. On the other hand, Job 1-2 is explicit in showing Satan as the opponent of both God and man. In Genesis 3 as the serpent he tempts Adam and Eve to disobey God; equating the Adversary with the serpent is clear from Rv 12:9, which speaks of “that ancient serpent, also known as the Devil and Satan (the Adversary), the deceiver of the whole world.”

One preacher said to me that “people only believe in what they can see,
not realizing that the spirit world is real in a way that is much greater than the natural realm.”

Many stories get passed around about final moments before death and near-death experiences. Although various people described different things, they all insisted that what they saw was real.
I share this only for those who do not believe in an everlasting existence after this life, especially those who die without Christ guiding and supervising their lives.

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