The King of Selfless Love


Living Church Ministries

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Demetrics and Pauline Roscoe


The purpose throughout the Bible is to point Mankind to the  ADONAI’S Messiah for humankind’s salvation, where we believe that the life of Yeshua, (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) is the ultimate Torah Lesson.  He is the volume of a book, living pages for the world to see. What the Messiah says is also how He lived, which is Truth personified.


The King of Selfless Love

The purpose of Satan is to distort the purpose of the WORD of GOD and for men to use the Bible for pleasing Crowds, rather than finding the Oracles of the Word of GOD, the breathed of the Word that proceeded from the Creator’s mouth.

Self-Love 3

Editor: Val Gunter

There is a Devine relationship amidst those who tremble at the WORD of GOD. Those who have humble spirits and pure motives will receive the Power of GOD inside them turning them into a child of ADONAI.

John 1:12
12 But to as many as did receive and welcome Him, He gave the authority (power, privilege, right) to become the children of God, that is, to those who believe in (adhere to, trust in, and rely on) His name—

Philippians 1:6
6 And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.

This kind of conversion makes individuals esteem others more than themselves. A real passion for Soul-winning and self-sacrifice is the new heart Yeshua creates in a disciple, they then realize my actions of compassion are more effective than words.

Philippians 2:3-8
3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.
5 — Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

When an individual heart is born of GOD they are in for eternal life, hosted by the true King of Heaven. Human Doctrine endangers the conversion of one’s heart.  Doctrine fills us up with pride but ADONAI, Lord of all, loves the world through us. The first mistake is when we are taught to ask, what GOD does for me rather than focusing on the Messiah’s mission word of Salvation.

Prophecy of the Last Days

In the last days, many will find that power that changes lives, and a large portion of them will come out of the church. Many will find that the best place the meet GOD is at home after an honest prayer, or in one’s quiet time. But the safest place to grow is among the humble hearts with pure spirits in love with the Mission of the Messiah.

Sometimes, when trying to look in Bible prophecy, there are parts of them where some words seem disconnected from the rest. In the prophecy of Amos 8:11-114, there is mention of the Samaria—god of Dan. At first, glance, mentioning this idol doesn’t make sense. The prophecy is about the great famine of the understanding WORD of ADONAI. So, let’s look into how this idol was responsible for the broken relationship of the Danites.

The new teaching on the GRACE of Yeshua, (Hebrew name of Christ), will sound nothing like the Anointed Holy One of God.

1 Corinthians 6:15-16
15 Do you not see and know that your bodies are members (bodily parts) of Christ (the Messiah)? Am I therefore to take the parts of Christ and make [them] parts of a prostitute? Never! Never!
16 Or do you not know and realize that when a man joins himself to a prostitute, he becomes one body with her? The two, it is written, shall become one flesh.

It was the mixing of the Egyptian religion with the worship of the Jewish that started Dan’s demise. The association with the unholy acts and the spirits associated with such deeds attached themselves to the partygoers.

Demonic counterparts were released into the camp as Dan’s holy right standing ADONAI is polluted with spirits of the underworld.

Egyptian goddess

Horus, Protector of Isis

Powerful, fascinating, seducing spirits constrained the reasoning of the children of Dan. Eventually, every holy thing is defiled and every promise that was made with the tribe of Dan is jeopardized.

So, the mentioning of Dan in the prophecy of Amos 8:11-14 is expressly meant to communicate that some groups in the last days will become little temples of self-guided religion.

. The church will fall in love with a doctrine that separates them from obedience to the power found in the Jewish Messiah and entertains the spirit of prejudices, hatred, and argumentative debates, entangled with the affairs of this world. Some with sexual out-of-control desires will be empowered by the pulpit and a message described as “Grace” of the Bible is replaced by the doctrine of “God loves me, whatever. ”  Anyone, who teaches the following scripture in the way it is written is doomed by the voice of the Prophetic voice ADONAI.

Some Preachers in the Last Days, With the Spirit of the World, Will Sound Like the Book of Jude 1:4-5.

Jude 1:4-5
4 For certain men have crept in stealthily [gaining entrance secretly by a side door]. Their doom was predicted long ago, ungodly (impious, profane) persons who pervert the grace (the spiritual blessing and favor) of our God into lawlessness and wantonness and immorality and disown and deny our sole Master and Lord, Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).
5 Now I want to remind you, though you were fully informed once for all, that though the Lord [at one time] delivered a people out of the land of Egypt, He subsequently destroyed those [of them] who did not believe [who refused to adhere to, trust in, and rely upon Him].

The Prophecy of a Famine of the Word of GOD.

Those who trust in the Messiah will find peace and Salvation. But, as the Kingdom of Darkness grows to new rights, the revelation of a world savior is difficult to attain.

Amos 8:11-14
11 “The time is surely coming,” says the Sovereign LORD,
“when I will send a famine on the land—
not a famine of bread or water
but of hearing the words of the LORD.

12 People will stagger from sea to sea
and wander from border to border
searching for the word of the LORD,
but they will not find it.

13 Beautiful girls and strong young men
will grow faint in that day,
thirsting for the LORD’s word.

The Mixing of the “Holy” with the “Worldly.”
14 And those who swear by the shameful idols of Samaria—
who take oaths in the name of the god of Dan
and make vows in the name of the god of Beersheba—
they will all fall down,
never to rise again.”

The definition of the Hebrew word for WORD of  ADONAI at Amos 8:11; “WORD”

דָּבָר dāḇār

(CWSB Dictionary)
H1697. דָּבָר dāḇār: A masculine noun meaning word, speech, matter. This frequent word has a wide range of meanings associated with it. It signified spoken words or speech (Gen. 11:1; Isa. 36:5; Jer. 51:64); a command or royal decree (Esth. 1:12, 19); a report or tidings (Ex. 33:4); advice (Judg. 20:7); poetic writings of David (2 Chr. 29:30); business affairs (1 Chr. 26:32); a legal cause (Ex. 18:16); the custom or manner of activity (Esth. 1:13); and something indefinite (thing, Gen. 22:16). Most important was the use of this word to convey divine communication. Often the word of the Lord signified the revelation given to prophets (2 Sam . 7:4; Jer. 25:3; Hos. 1:1). Similarly, the Ten Commandments were literally called the ten words of the Lord (Ex. 34:28; Deut. 4:13).


Some young groups will leave their ministries searching for the Word of GOD.  Only the pure in heart will hear ADONAI’s Holy Word and become that one body working together for the world’s communities.

Satan blinds the human mind from grasping the need to ensure an encounter with ADONAI, the GOD of Israel. The Devil’s ability to seduce the human spirit into self-admiration is a way of saying, that one can choose their own path, even while worshipping the Almighty.

A great example that showed how Satan enticed the tribe of Dan to move away from the commonwealth of Israel was by combining the worship of the Most-High, Holy, God of Israel, with the Idol of the Golden Calf.

Throughout the biblical story, the city of Dan has been prone to idolatry. When the Danites first moved into the area, they coerced an idolatrous priest to set up his graven images there as their gods (Judges 18:30). Later, Jereboam built a shrine with two golden calves to persuade the people to worship there, rather than in Jerusalem (1 Kings 12:26-30). Later Ahab and Jezebel were there, who established Baal worship in much of the northern tribes. Idolatry of Dan – En-Gedi Resource Center (


What tribe of Israel was Dan?
The Tribe of Dan is the Danes (Denmark) and the Irish. by Peter Salemi. The Patriarch Dan was born from the handmaid of Rachel, Bilhah. Rachel was in envy of her sister Leah. She wanted so badly to bear a child for Jacob, that she gave him her handmaid to bear a son.



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