Spirit of Prophecy 1

“worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. (Rev 19:10 KJV)”


  All Scripture points to the veneration or adoration of the Lord Jesus Christ, as the McDonald Idiom Translation interprets Revelations 19:10. To venerate, to esteem or to adore Christ is the most important precept in understanding what the angels envision when they look upon Jesus Christ (Yeshua Heb). Total reverence is due unto our Lord and Savior as the method of loving the Lord with our heart, mind, and soul. The problem with today’s gospel is that it lacks the power to stand against “pop culture” in our society. Today, society resembles the Scripture references about doctrine of devils and where men became lovers of themselves. This has replaced a hunger for God.

Moral Rearmament, a Christian movement began in 1938 by the US evangelist Frank Buchman (1878-1961). He developed it from his Oxford during a visit to Britain in 1921. The movement, which was especially active in the 1950s and 60s, aimed to encourage high moral standards of behavior based on God’s will as interpreted. It was strongly opposed to Communism and homosexuality.


 Immortality accepted in today’s population

Gay men kissingWhat was immortality in 1950’s has become sociably acceptable in society with today’s population. The morals of our nation changed when our pulpits stopped teaching on moral obligations. If Reverend F. Buchman used the Bible as his example of how believers should walk before God, then what model is Christianity following today?

The word “morals,” changes with every generation, so what was immoral ten years ago is now accepted behavior in most cases. But, moral decline should be expected by the church because the Bible told us so in several different places. The Scriptures plainly say that there will be times when men will take the grace of God and use it as a license for their unquenchable cravings to satisfy their flesh.


MIT Jude 1:4 For some men have slipped in surreptitiously. Long ago these ungodly men were written about as to the judgment suitable for them. They are notorious for distorting our God’s grace into immorality, and for denying both the only sovereign and our Lord Jesus Christ. (Jud 1:4 MIT)

America’s deterioration of moral standards is in part the result of a godless generation. Moreover, spirits will be released for their prophetic purpose. The love for God will grow cold and apathy and laziness will cause the gospel message to digress into political correctness. Instead of producing salvation, it will produce a lot of religion.

In an earlier blog, we shared information about a pastor who was a counselor with the Salvation Army. He said that at one time all of the mental hospitals for this state’s youth department were filled, with the exception of one bed. According to the Bible, spirits will be released in the last days and daemonic activity will increase in the form of oppression and possession. Spiritual activity will increase around the world in the form of increased military aggression, kidnapping, and total takeover of cities with unmerciful aggression. Sexual immorality will fill the schools with disease and sickness. Mental illness will substantially increase.


Mental illness currently overwhelming

This same counselor pointed me to the following article which has statistics of the increase of mental illness in the United States.

I have provided the link to that article and I hope you enjoy the reading.

USA Today has a story today about mental illness currently overwhelming the criminal justice system. The most recent numbers show that 56% of state prison inmates and 45% of those in federal prisons are dealing with some kind of mental health problem.

Mental illness is becoming a bigger problem in society as a whole, not just with criminals. According to the World Health Organization, the number one cause of disability for adolescents is depression. Antidepressant use in the U.S. has increased by almost 400 percent in the last two decades, and the suicide rate from 1999 to 2010 among Americans ages 35-64 increased 28.4 percent.

In an article for Slate, “Abnormal is the New Normal,” clinical psychologist Robin Rosenberg notes that almost 50 percent of Americans will have a diagnosable mental illness in their lifetimes, and each year a quarter will have some kind of mental disorder. But severe mental illnesses affect only six percent of adults in a given year. I use the word “only,” but 14½ million is still a lot of people!

 The Roman Catholic Church is upping its game on this. Many dioceses are training more priests in exorcism and deliverance. Earlier this year, the Vatican legally recognized the International Association of Exorcists, an organization of Roman Catholic priests who perform exorcisms. The rise of occultism is considered a contributing factor for the increased demand. World famous Vatican exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth, one of the founders of IAOE, claims to have been involved in treating more than 70,000 cases of demonic possession.


It is really time for the Body of Christ to get serious about their time with the Lord, their studies, and their true fellowship according to the Word of God.

spirit of prophecy

One thought on “Spirit of Prophecy 1”

  1. I am very interested in sataniic warfare. How we can defeat Satan. The holy spirit has taught me some in this area. I still have a lot to learn.

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