Obedience without concession


Living Church Ministries

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Rosh Hashanah

The Jewish New Year

Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year. It is the anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve, and a day of judgment and coronation of G‑d as king.

Rosh Hashanah is the birthday of the universe, the day G‑d created Adam and Eve, and it’s celebrated as the head of the Jewish year. It begins at sundown on the eve of Tishrei 1 (Sept. 18, 2020) and ends after nightfall on Tishrei 2 (Sept. 20, 2020).

The central observance of Rosh Hashanah is blowing the shofar (ram’s horn) on both mornings of the holiday (except on Shabbat), which is normally done in synagogue as part of the day’s services but may be done elsewhere for those who cannot attend.


Your weapons are bruises, wounds, chastisement.

Written By Bishop Demetrics Roscoe Editor; Val Gunter

Proverbs 15:25 (AMP SB Notes)

 15:25 The LORD will tear down the house of the proud. God will bring about justice in the end. To the haughty, God will give a dose of humility. But for the widow, a completely defenseless person in ancient times, God will provide protection.

Proverbs 15:14 (AMP SB Notes)

 15:14 The mind of the intelligent and discerning seeks knowledge and eagerly inquires after it, but the mouth of the [stubborn] fool feeds on foolishness.

The person with an understanding heart, another description of the wise, is never satisfied with what he or she knows. The pursuit of wisdom and knowledge are lifelong occupations — never fully realized in this lifetime. But fools, not knowing the extent of their ignorance, continue to pursue folly.

(Eatons Bible Dictionary)

Efficacious [ˌefəˈkāSHəs]


  1. (of something inanimate or abstract) successful in producing a desired or intended result; effective.
  2. “the vaccine has proved both efficacious and safe”
  3. synonyms:
  4. successful · effectual · productive · constructive · fruitful · functional · potent · powerful · worthwhile · helpful · of help · of assistance · beneficial · advantageous · valuable · useful · of use

 There was a documentary that I watched about a war. The war was officially fought between South Vietnam and North Vietnam, and several other countries were also involved. The countries that supported North Vietnam were China, the Soviet Union, and other communist countries while South Vietnam was supported by the US, the Philippines, Australia, South Korea, Thailand, and other countries who were anti-communism and that is why the war is also referred to as the proxy war of the Cold War era. The presidents of the United States during the Vietnam War were Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Gerald Ford. 

The war claimed the lives of more than 3 million people which included more than 58,000 American soldiers, and more than half of the casualties were Vietnamese civilians. Eventually, the war ended, and the Communist forces captured South Vietnam in 1975, and the country was unified and was renamed the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 1976.

My problem with Congress or Legislatures running a war on the opposite side of the world is different from addressing Congress. Now let’s vote by raising hands; 

Our politicians in Congress had not established an actual enemy. In other words, the US first thought they were engaging an out of control rebellious populace, as it turned out the US forces were fighting several nations at once.

The Body of Christ kills its own soldiers and false doctrine cripples the rest. However, as the Kingdom of GOD encompasses, embrace, and incorporates those who believe the words of God. Similar signs surround those who tolerate doctrinal error.

2 John 1:7-12
7 For many deceivers [heretics, posing as Christians] have gone out into the world, those who do not acknowledge and confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh (bodily form). This [person, the kind who does this] is the deceiver and the antichrist [that is, the antagonist of Christ]. 8 Watch yourselves, so that you do not lose what we have accomplished together, but that you may receive a full and perfect reward [when He grants rewards to faithful believers]. 9 Anyone who runs on ahead and does not remain in the doctrine of Christ [that is, one who is not content with what He taught], does not have God; but the one who continues to remain in the teaching [of Christ does have God], he has both the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching [but diminishes or adds to the doctrine of Christ], do not receive or welcome him into your house, and do not give him a greeting or any encouragement; 11 for the one who gives him a greeting [who encourages him or wishes him success, unwittingly] participates in his evil deeds. 12

I was nevertheless awakened from a short rest, like a dream-like state, but the documentary’s information stayed with me as I awakened.

That same week, our Church was rocked by the news of one of our beautiful in spirit and exceptional young members, Justine Curtis, who transitioned into her Heavenly Home. Justine was our Church’s secretary, with a special God-given smile, we all will remember.

Okay, here we are talking about a young person’s departure into Heaven and how we justify a significant hardship, especially when the preacher says that GOD is a loving, kind, and compassionate God. The response to the above statement is in knowing GOD’s nature and understanding how ADONAI perceives Himself.

First and foremost, Yeshua (Hebrew for Salvation) knew His FATHER like no one else.

My Father, why has thou forsaken me, but you save those who are not your children.

However, the stage is set for a human servant to stand before GOD, as a thesaurus helping fellow-servants concede to the “Decrees of GOD.”

The Decrees of God or How Human Jesus of Nazareth Grasped or Perceived His Heavenly FATHER.

(Eatons Bible Dictionary)

 The decrees of God are:

(1) efficacious, as they respect those events he has determined to bring about by his own immediate agency; or 

(2) permissive, as they respect those events, He has determined that free agents shall be permitted by Him to effect.

This says when God set out to create the world, He didn’t shop at Lowes for materials. Everything materialized from within Him.

 This doctrine ought to produce in our minds “humility, in view of the infinite greatness and sovereignty of God, and of the dependence of man; confidence and implicit reliance upon wisdom, righteousness, goodness, and immutability of God’s purpose.”

Proverbs 15:32-33

(AMP Bible)

32 He who neglects and ignores instruction and discipline despises himself, But he who learns from rebuke acquires understanding [and grows in wisdom].

33 The [reverent] fear of the LORD [that is, worshiping Him and regarding Him as truly awesome] is the instruction for wisdom [its starting point and its essence]; And before honor comes humility.

In the writings of “The Binding of Isaac” was the story where ADONAI-ELOHIM told Abraham to sacrifice his only son. Isaac was young and strong, furthermore Isaac could have broken free to avoid becoming a sacrifice. The same thing is true of both Isaac and Yeshua, while both could have escaped, both were held to their altars by their relationship between the fathers and their sons. Both would rather die than to break fellowship with their Fathers.

Proverbs 15:6

(Amplified Study Bible Notes)

 15:6 the house of the [consistently] righteous. One house is a blessing and the other is ruinous; the reason for this lies in how the house was acquired and how it is being used. The house of the righteous contains great wealth because it is founded on wisdom and a proper response to God. On the other hand, the wicked never gain enough to suit them, and lose what they have because of their deceptive ways.

My beautiful wife, Pauline, and I considered the question, “If GOD is so powerful, why isn’t the Church as powerful as God over the devil?” While the devil is the Church’s adversary, he never amounted to anything more than a pawn on a Chess Board. Moreover, Satan is under Yeshua’s authority at all times; if this is true, then why is Satan able to keep the Church from becoming the Church with signs from Heaven and equipped to cast out demons with worldwide moves of God?

What makes Satan appear to have success against God’s army is that God will tell us the awful truth while Satan will tell us beautiful lies. Human doctrine. . 

Satan couldn’t ever resist God. Only when people within the Church whose darkened hearts set an atmosphere conducive to a Satanic environment is when Satan has a platform. Satan’s deception only comes true when “doctrines of devils” are tolerated from the pulpits. 

So the true Word of God becomes an enticing spiritual infection in the human ego. Satan’s strategy is to cause a human response: self-esteemed viruses to propagate throughout the Church by re-awakening the human flesh that GOD killed at the point of salvation to die in man’s flesh. ADONAI teaches us how to die, then the Holy Spirit comes on the inside to give us a Spirit driven life.

The fallen one, the Angel whose light has gone out.

“False Doctrine” 

Satan came to Adam and Eve with pretended compassion and concern regarding ADNOAI ELOHIM’S hardened rules over plant-life in a plot of ground. Lucifer was spewing infectious venom with every word, as he knew Adam and Eve’s human nature would respond to empathy and a little encouragement. Israel’s human spirit awakens again at Mount Sinai while Moses was at the top of the mountain receiving the Commandments from YAHWEH, the God of Israel, Satan was at the bottom of the mountain convincing Israel that they should worship Ba’al, the horned God, because he was the one who brought them out of Egypt and that is who Israel gave credit to. As long as false doctrine is preached in the house, demon spirits draw people with compromise already in their hearts. All this is done in Satan creating his strongholds.

Exodus 32:4 (AMP SB Notes)

 32:4 a molten calf. This was an ominous worship symbol. Not only were the cow and the bull worshiped in Egypt, but the bull was a familiar embodiment of Baal seen in Canaan. It appears that the worship of the Lord had been blended with the symbols of Baal and other fertility gods. In this one scene, the people broke the first three of God’s commandments.

The Sovereignty of GOD

Sovereignty is not in human favor because ADONAI’S power means He doesn’t have to ask. People question acts of God in the Bible; please let me help you with that; HE IS SOVEREIGN. 

Sovereignty, a nation’s ruler or head of state usually by hereditary rights.

Satan teaches Franchise without obedience is grace and favor with God. He says the we don’t have to obey to receive grace or mercy. All of which has its origins from hell.

The powerful lesson taught at Calvary was righteous obedience without concessions. Jesus may ask, “What do I get for this suffering?” His FATHER may say wounds, scars, bruises, which in the language of GOD, is Malachi when the Son of righteousness is lifted up there will be healing in His wings. This righteous King will love the broken and forgotten and save the lost.

Yeshua did it because of his relationship with his Father, not because his Father would penalize nor pay Him. 

Every person will be rewarded, especially those who suffer for the Gospel.

Revelation 7:9-17 (AMP)

9 After these things I looked, and this is what I saw: a vast multitude which no one could count, [gathered] from every nation and from all the tribes and peoples and languages [of the earth], standing before the throne and before the Lamb (Christ), dressed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands;

10 and in a loud voice they cried out, saying, “Salvation [belongs] to our God who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb [our salvation is the Trinity’s to give, and to God the Trinity we owe our deliverance].”

11 And all the angels were standing around the throne and around the [twenty-four] elders and the four living creatures; and they fell to their faces before the throne and worshiped God,

12 saying, “Amen! Blessing and glory and majesty and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might belong to our God forever and ever. Amen.”

13 Then one of the elders responded, saying to me, “These who are dressed in the long white robes—who are they, and from where did they come?”

14 I said to him, “My lord, you know [the answer].” And he said to me, “These are the people who come out of the great tribulation (persecution), and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb [because of His atoning sacrifice].

15 For this reason, they are [standing] before the throne of God; and they serve Him [in worship] day and night in His temple; and He who sits on the throne will spread His tabernacle over them and shelter and protect them [with His presence].

16 They will hunger no longer, nor thirst anymore; nor will the sun beat down on them, nor any [scorching] heat;

17 for the Lamb who is in the center of the throne will be their Shepherd, and He will guide them to springs of the waters of life; and God will wipe every tear from their eyes [giving them eternal comfort].”

Yeshua’s disciples wanted to sit in a special place in Heaven, here is how Christ did it. Jewish tradition tells us that all Jesus’ disciples were crucified.

The Lord is compassionate, but here is greater compassion, true compassion is when all of you will die as martyrs and be crucified at an appointed time. 

By Jennifer Rosenberg

Updated November 04, 2019

During the Holocaust, the Nazis murdered an estimated six million Jews. These were Jews from across Europe who spoke different languages and had different cultures. Some of them were wealthy and some of them were poor. Some were assimilated and some were Orthodox. What they did have in common was that all of them had at least one Jewish grandparent, which was how the Nazis defined who was Jewish.

The Nazis forced Jews out of their homes, crowded them into ghettos, and then deported them to either a concentration or a death camp. Most died of starvation, disease, overwork, shooting, or gas. After death, their bodies were either dumped into a mass grave or cremated. 

Never in the history of the world had there been such a large-scale, systematic genocide as that conducted by the Nazis during the Holocaust.

Estimating the Holocaust Murders 

Because of the vast numbers of Jews murdered, no one is absolutely sure how many died in each camp, but there are good estimates of deaths by the camp. The same is true about estimates per country. 

There is no single wartime document that estimates the number of Jewish deaths during the Holocaust. Between 1942 and 1943, the Nazis did attempt to compile statistics for their final solution. One copy of that record was captured by the U.S. Army in 1945. By late 1943, however, the German and Axis authorities recognized they were losing the war and had no time to continue counting. Instead, they ramped up the number of deaths and began destroying existing records and evidence of previous mass murders. Total estimates used today are based on postwar studies and research of the existing data.

If God is so powerful, why didn’t he stop the Holocaust? 

Because anybody who suffers or gives their life for Yeshua will be awarded in Heaven. Revelation 7:13-14.

A study published in 2013 by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, based on a painstaking evaluation of available documents and investigation of 42,000 camps and ghettos, identified that the total number of deaths was almost double the numbers generated shortly after the war. In addition to at least 7 million Jews killed, the Axis killed around 5.7 million non-Jewish Soviet citizens, around 3 million non-Jewish Soviet prisoners of war, 300,000 Serb citizens, around 250,000 people with disabilities living in institutions, and around 300,000 Roma (Gypsies). Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, and German political opponents account for at least another 100,000 people. Estimates of the total number of people who died in the Holocaust now range between 15 and 20 million. 

The decrees of God consist of His eternal, unchangeable, holy, wise, and sovereign purpose, comprehending at once all things that ever were or will be in their causes, conditions, successions, and relations, and determining their certain future.

The several contents of this eternal purpose are, because of the limitation of our faculties, necessarily conceived of by us in partial aspects, and in logical relations, and are therefore styled Decrees.” The decree being the act of an infinite, absolute, eternal, unchangeable, and sovereign Person, comprehending a plan including all his works of all kinds, great and small, from the beginning of creation to an unending eternity; ends as well as means, causes as well as effects, conditions and instrumentalities as well as the events which depend upon them, must be incomprehensible by the finite intellect of man. The decrees are eternal (Acts 15:18; Eph 1:4 2 Thess 2:13), unchangeable (Ps 33:11; Isa 46:9, and comprehend all things that come to pass (Eph 1:11; Matt 10:29, 30; Eph 2:10; Acts 2:23; 4:27, 28; Ps 17:13, 14).

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