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Demetrics and Pauline Roscoe


The interpretation of the message on the dollar bills: “Announcing A New Secular Order.The Eye of Horus.

Editor: Val Gunter

John 8:31-41 (NLT)
Jesus and Abraham
31 Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. 32 And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
33 “But we are descendants of Abraham,” they said. “We have never been slaves to anyone. What do you mean, ‘You will be set free’?”

34 Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave of sin.

35 A slave is not a permanent member of the family, but a son is part of the family forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free. 37 Yes, I realize that you are descendants of Abraham. And yet some of you are trying to kill me because there’s no room in your hearts for my message.

38 I am telling you what I saw when I was with my Father. But you are following the advice of your father.”
39 “Our father is Abraham!” they declared.
“No,” Jesus replied, “for if you were really the children of Abraham, you would follow his example.
40 Instead, you are trying to kill me because I told you the truth, which I heard from God. Abraham never did such a thing.

41 No, you are imitating your real father.”

Before I start to sound like a conspiracy theory, I want to search for a reason that Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah, would give significant warnings about the marks from some cryptic beast on our hands or our foreheads.

Recently, I made a statement warning people about conspiracy theories regarding “The Mark Of The Beast.” The mark of the Beast is already openly explained in Scripture. It is so close, that if it were a snake, it would raise up and strike you.

The devil will use underground societies to imitate old forbidden rituals that release demonic spirits, who fight against ADONAI’s plan of Salvation through the Jewish Messiah.

What is the Beast of the Bible?

The suffering Messiah proved that satan had nothing he could threaten Yeshua with or effectively bait Him. Jesus Christ of Nazareth turned down peace, safety and short cuts to create the image of Unselfish, Reckless Love for us. The only path to eternal life is breaking away from being a slave of satan to become a slave to the Anointed King. ADONAI anointed The King of Kings in His own Blood.

First of all, the term conspiracy means a group’s secret plans to do something unlawful or harmful. So, we see that conspirators’ label is quite strong for people who are intrigued by concealed mysteries.

At the same time, what powers are the body of Christ endeavoring to bring under the authority of Yeshua’s Cross? How influential is the Beast of the Book of Revelation that he controls the economics sectors of the World consisting of small and large-scale enterprises?

The world’s art services his doctrinal message, and with the masterminding of smart TV, he has his hand on the self-esteem and the morale compass of our youth.

There is more effort placed on discovering the mark of the Beast than building up the next generation to be the victorious overcoming body of the Messiah.

While we wait on the arrival of “666” another thought should be, “how long has he been here setting up his kingdom?”


Over the years, I noticed artwork created by well-known artists displaying human figures holding two fingers sky-ward as if the mystic sign made with the fingers meant something that only a secret society member would understand. I have had preachers to shake my hand and position their fingers a certain way to confirm my brotherhood to the Society. My reply is “I am not a member.” For the most part, secret society members are good people, however, its rituals connecting old-fashioned Egyptian gods of the past to reengage in the battle of the true Salvation of The Messiah or getting into Heaven by magical amulets of spells done through sorcery. But satan knows, half truths can become powerful lies, in the minds of students of ancient antiquity.

As before mentioned, religious figures would present signs made with their hands to indicate their association with some type of secret society, or “The enlightened One.”

Let’s say for the sake of clarity, let’s call our group, “The enlighten One, (TEO). And the TEO, who are believers in Yeshua, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, but at the same time, this group rehearses and teaches new generations the secrets of the traditions dating back to Ancient Egypt.

While it’s intriguing to possess the knowledge, only TEO groups understand, they are unaware that satan leaves breadcrumbs for personalities who seek to be a part of something that serves their self-esteem, conceit, and egotism.

The deception is when these secret societies lie to their followers that Jesus Christ of Nazareth and His disciples were a part of their groups. Artists were called into service to produce lying artwork to say that Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah, was a part of this elite group.

The Bible student must understand that the only way to eternity is for one to take up their cross and follow Yeshua, (Jesus Christ of Nazareth).

Matthew 16:24 (NLT)
24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me.

Matthew 10:38 (NLT)
38 If you refuse to take up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of being mine.

Mark 8:34 (NLT)
34 Then, calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me.

Luke 9:23 (NLT)
23 Then he said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me.

The Cross of Christ was His examination stake, it was to test the Messiah, to see if He was really willing to suffer for lost souls, or what would be his limit before he would say, “I have had enough of this.” You see, the Cross was not a photo opportunity for our Lord. The cross is our way of learning to suffer past the last piece of bait thrown in our direction. The Lord does not deliver us from temptation, but He welcomes us with open arms on the other side.

I learned this powerful truth while studying Jewish culture. Our greatest strength is truth. We either put our fingers in our ears and stop listening to our hearts, or walking in that truth and be amazed by ADONAI, GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and becoming a major actor in His story.

2 Chronicles 32:31
31 And so in the matter of the ambassadors of the princes of Babylon who were sent to him to inquire about the wonder that was done in the land, God left him to himself to try him, that He might know all that was in his heart.

The reason we come under temptation more than once is that we were told our heavenly Father allows us to be tested on more than a single test, but Yeshua is standing, clapping His hands saying, ” look at you, I told you that you could do it!”

Look at YOU! I told you that you are something more than you can see.

The Cross of Jesus

4716. σταυρός staurós; gen. stauroú, masc. noun from hístēmi (G2476), to stand. A cross, a stake, often with a cross-piece, on which criminals were nailed for execution. The cross was an instrument of most dreadful and agonizing torture. This mode of punishment was known to the Persians (Ezra 6:11; Esth. 7:10); and the Carthaginians. However, it was most common among the Romans for slaves and criminals, and was introduced among the Jews by the Romans. It was not abolished until the time of Constantine who did so out of regard for Christianity.

The first question I have is, “What does the two fingers held together mean in Egyptian worship?”

Well imagine, living in a world of magic and every symbol of your language is part of some magical spell. Every person wore images of hieroglyphical characters with magical spells contributed to their names. Egyptians knew salvation as, going to Heaven by a spell of the Amulet of two fingers (dje-baui). Those who believed in this magic would have to renounce Yeshua as Savoir but believe that the fingers of the god Horus would help them to get to Heaven.

As harmless as two-fingers may seem inoffensive, nevertheless, this enigma is the symbol of the Beast’s Sorcery and Witchcraft. The magic that the Egyptians believed would guarantee a safe passage to Heaven.

Someone might ask, “Why would ADONAI destroy a nation’s language?” If we only take into consideration a language of magic symbols and powerful spells of Alchemy, changing staffs into a serpent, satan’s next step was to get the people to build.

Can one imagine a city functioning as a war machine in Heaven’s back door?

Satan wanted to take an army of sorcerers and magicians into Heaven, some with the power of alchemy, changing materials into other substances. So, Egyptians would place the Amulet of the fingers of the god Horus in the coffin or in the mummy’s wrappings for safe passage.

So now, two-fingers represents the god Ra’s ladder to Heaven, the pyramids, then the tower of Babylon came from two fingers.

Ancient Egyptian Amulets and their Meanings (

The finger of Horus also represents the step ladder to Heaven where the Egyptians would need the Amulet of Horus to help them by means of magical spells to reach Heaven.

2 Chronicles 32:25-29
25 But Hezekiah did not make return [to the Lord] according to the benefit done to him, for his heart became proud [at such a spectacular response to his prayer]; therefore there was wrath upon him and upon Judah and Jerusalem.
26 But Hezekiah humbled himself for the pride of his heart, both he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the wrath of the Lord came not upon them in the days of Hezekiah.
27 And Hezekiah had very great wealth and honor, and he made for himself treasuries for silver, gold, precious stones, spices, shields, and all kinds of attractive vessels,
28 Storehouses also for the increase of grain, vintage fruits, and oil, and stalls for all kinds of cattle, and sheepfolds.
29 Moreover, he provided for himself cities and flocks and herds in abundance, for God had given him very great possessions.

2 Chronicles 32:31
31 And so in the matter of the ambassadors of the princes of Babylon who were sent to him to inquire about the wonder that was done in the land, God left him to himself to try him, that He might know all that was in his heart.

The Bible uses the word Mark in two ways according to The Complete Word Study Bible Dictionary: one is marking a move of God or Pointing to a false prophet. Something or someone is marked.

(Complete Word Study Bible Dictionary)
H226. אוֹת ’ôṯ: A masculine noun meaning sign, signal, mark, miracle. This word is used most often to describe awe-inspiring events: God’s work to bring the Hebrew people out of Egypt (Ex. 4:8, 9; Num . 14:22; Deut. 7:19; Ps. 78:43; Jer. 32:20, 21); miracles verifying God’s message (1 Sam. 2:34; 10:7, 9; Isa. 7:11, 14). Moreover, this word may also denote signs from false prophets.

The Complete Word Study Bible Dictionary

When displaying the sacred ladder or sacred ascension, some society members believe they are rewarded eternally in Heaven because of Egyptian magic. As a minister who is not a part of secret nobles, I waited until Yeshua, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, lead me to a study of the mark of the Beast that I came across in my study of the “Mark of the Beast. I saw the symbol of the “Amulet of the two-fingers,” which was a part of the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs sorcery. I was astounded to learn that an individual could make a powerful Amulet, just with the human hand, moreover, these mystics’ faith thrive today. Paintings of Jesus Christ extending two fingers pointing upward was an ancient Egyptian mantra. However, I knew that with some underground cult, the two-finger symbol had meaning, but to know it was a powerful invocation, to associate it with Yeshua, the righteous King, is blasphemous. Yeshua is the only door to eternity, no one can climb up a ladder. He needs no spells or signs made with His hands.

In the language of hieroglyphs, symbols are used instead of written words. So, the Amulet of the Ladder becomes an Amulet of safe passage to Heaven.

By accident, I stumbled upon the website of Ancient Egyptian Witchcraft and their beliefs. The Serpent is deeply embedded in Egyptian Worship. The Amulet of the Serpent’s head is placed in the coffin of the dead to protect the deceased from serpents in hell. Even some Egyptians trusted the serpent Amulet prior to death to save them from venomous snakes while alive, but who can trust a serpent?

Every aspect of the sign of Horus on the eye or forehead is the symbol of the god one trust. And each part of the eye has spiritual meaning, one may not understand.

The Eye of Horus or the Eye of Ra is the most dominating image in the history of Egypt. So, when an individual places the Eye of Horus over their right eye, they are believing this magic Amulet for its ability for protection by the great Royal power.

The god Ra or Horus holds the key to Egyptian’s Salvation or guaranteed safe passive to Heaven. This is the power behind the mysterious two fingers on the right hand.

2 Chronicles 33:1-9
1 MANASSEH WAS twelve years old when he began to reign, and he reigned fifty-five years in Jerusalem.
2 But he did evil in the Lord’s sight, like the abominations of the heathen whom the Lord drove out before the Israelites.
3 For he built again the [idolatrous] high places which Hezekiah his father had broken down, and he reared altars for the Baals and made the Asherim and worshiped all the hosts of the heavens and served them.
4 Also he built [heathen] altars in the Lord’s house, of which the Lord had said, In Jerusalem shall My Name be forever.
5 He built altars for all the hosts of the heavens in the two courts of the Lord’s house.

6 And he burned his children as an offering [to his god] in the Valley of Ben-hinnom [son of Hinnom], and practiced soothsaying, augury, and sorcery, and dealt with mediums and wizards. He did much evil in the sight of the Lord, provoking Him to anger.
7 And he set a carved image, the idol which he had made, in the house of God, of which God had said to David and to Solomon his son, In this house and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen before all the tribes of Israel, will I put My Name [and Presence] forever;
8 And I will no more remove Israel from the land which I appointed for your fathers, if they will only take heed to do all that I have commanded them, the whole law, the statutes, and the ordinances given through Moses.

The right eye of the god, Horus.

The Bible speaks of beasts as though beasts have three different classifications. What is a beast, is it animal or can it be a human?

Acts 28:2-5


2 And the barbarous people showed us no little kindness: for they kindled a fire, and received us every one, because of the present rain, and because of the cold. 3 And when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them on the fire, there came a viper out of the heat and fastened on his hand.

4 And when the barbarians saw the venomous beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath escaped — the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live.

5 And he — shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm. In the Book of Titus Paul called the Cretans evil beasts and the snake that bit Paul was called a beast, however, the Bible has another class of beasts. Spirit beasts are depicted as symbolic creatures that bring more than one classification across centuries of prophesies.

Titus 1:12-13
12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are always liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.
13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;

(Complete Word Study Bible Dictionary)

2342. θηρίον thēríon; gen. thēríou, neut. noun. A wild beast (Mark 1:13; Acts 10:12 [TR]; 11:6; Rev. 6:8 [cf. 15:1, 2]; Sept.: Gen. 1:24; Deut. 7:22; 28:26; Jer. 7:33). Denotes particularly a venomous creature and is applied to a viper (Acts 28:4, 5). May also refer to any kind of beast including the tamed species (Heb. 12:20), the same as zṓon (G2226), animal. Paul applies to the Cretans the character of kaká (G2556), evil, thēría, wild beasts (Titus 1:12). In the Sept., where sacrifices of beasts are mentioned, they are never mentioned as thēría, but as zṓa, because the wild and bestial element is brought out in thēríon. Throughout the NT, however, both zṓon and thēríon are rendered by the word “beast.” Yet the animals represented by these two words are far removed from one another. The zṓa or “living creatures” stand before the throne and in them dwells the fullness of all creaturely life as it gives praise and glory to God (Rev. 4:6-9; 5:6; 6:1). They constitute a part of the heavenly symbolism. The thēría, the first and second beasts which rise up, one from the bottomless pit (Rev. 11:7) and the other from the sea (Rev. 13:1) with one making war upon the two witnesses and the other opening his mouth in blasphemies, form part of the hellish symbolism. Therefore, thēríon is predominately used of lower animal life and can never be the name applied to glorious creatures in the very court and presence of heaven. Consequently, in Scripture, zṓa should always be rendered as “living creatures” and thēría as “beasts.”

Deriv.: thēriomachéō (G2341), to fight with wild beasts.


Eye of Horus – Wadjet – Egyptian Witchcraft (

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