

Written by my wife Pauline Roscoe

Parallels between Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, and Communion

Exodus 6:6-7 is symbolic of the four cups and the four “I wills”

  1.  “I will bring you out from under the burdens of Egyptians.” The Egyptians could not serve God because of bondage.

Cup of Sanctification – God through His Son, Jesus has sanctified and cleansed us so that we can serve and have fellowship with Him.

  1. “I will deliver you from slavery to them.”

Cup of Judgment/Deliverance – Jesus has delivered us from our past.

  1. “I will redeem you with an outstretched arm.” Redeem means to get you back, pay off your debt, reclaim you from the devil and through His shed Blood, Christ has paid a great ransom for us.  Ransom means to free, to liberate, to rescue, to release, set free, unchain, save.

Cup of Redemption – Christ is our redemption.

  1. “I will take you to be My people, and I will be your God.” God accepts, arrests, gathers up, gain possession, and wins you to be His own Beloved!A goblet for passover.

Cup of Hope – We yearn, looking eagerly for Christ’s return. Jesus broke bread, gave thanks, and offered the cup to His disciples.  He tells them, “I will not drink of the fruit of the vine from now on until that day I drink it anew with you in My Father’s kingdom” (Matthew 26:27-28). In the Jewish custom, when a Jewish man proposes to his bride-to-be he has a ketubah, a contract that has all the promises he is making to her as well as the price it will to take to obtain her.  He also has a cup that he offers to her.  If she accepts the cup, the marriage is sealed legally.  He then says, “I will not drink of this cup again until we meet again.”  The reason why he said it was because they would be separated for a time.  He would leave to prepare the place for her that they would reside together. Jesus has gone for a moment to prepare a place for His Bride (us), but He is coming again.  And, He has not left us alone. He has sent His Holy Spirit to keep us, to watch over us until His return.  The Communion represents what He has promised, what He has done for us on Calvary, and His contractual agreement of our holy covenant. The only thing that can separate us from such a great love is sin.  Therefore, we must examine our hearts.

Just as the Israelites sought out leaven, we must make sure that there is no particles of “leaven” hidden in our lives. Isaiah 53:5 tells us that Jesus was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, and the chastisement of our peace was upon Him.  By His stripes we are healed. What is the difference between sin, transgression, and iniquity? Sins – refers to slipping away from where you should be; not achieving the standard that God has set for you; missing the mark (high calling in Christ Jesus).  Sin can be done knowingly or unknowingly for example, ignorance.  However, once you know better and do not do better, it becomes sin. Transgression – things we do; a willful deviation from, rebellion against the path of Godly living. Jesus Christ was wounded for our transgressions. Iniquity – refers to an attitude, belief, mindset, spirit. Sins when repeated against the knowledge of God become transgressions – which if it continues long enough will eventually become iniquity.  Iniquity perverts the flesh.  It is a perversion. Iniquity changes the DNA/RNA structure of the flesh – attitudes and beliefs that the end results are genetic changes which then are passed on from generation to generation. Jesus was bruised for our deeply imbedded perversions in our attitudes and mindsets that cause us to be bowed down, twisted, crooked, and wrung out of course. Iniquity not only signifies what is wrong, but it is a tendency to do wrong.  It becomes second nature and drives us to repeatedly and continually sin. A perversion of the truth leads to error. A perversion of intent affects our will. Satan was found with a multitude of iniquities.

The Bible speaks 300 times about iniquity and 70% refers to a collective people, group, city or nation. Sins corresponds to the soul and mind.  Transgression refers to actions and the body.  Iniquity refers to an attitude or spirit. David asked God to create in him a new heart and a new spirit. I Thess. 5:23 is my prayer for you today. “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly.  And, I pray God, your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen” Jesus was wounded, bruised and beaten so that our spirit can be healed. Jesus was wounded, bruised and beaten so that our emotions can be healed. Jesus was wounded, bruised and beaten so that our minds can be healed. Jesus was wounded, bruised and beaten so that our natural bodies can be healed. He wants us to be made whole.

Communion is the expressed representation of Christ’s Body that was given for us.   When we “do this in remembrance of Me” Heaven watches as we embrace this truth – a truly holy,  communion.

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