Mother’s Day Three

Mother’s Day Three


Mother for Israel

Today is the third week we are acknowledging the importance of Mother’s Day. While few individuals will come to appreciate the purpose of God’s special creation women, the Bible is clear about the LORD’s view of women of faith. Women are much more than baby maker or spiritual intersection, but women give birth to prophetic events throughout Biblical History.

Prophetess-Deborah-Judges-Women-of-the-Bible-e1349912955179When Israel needed something to rally around, they found hope and were willing to fight for their Mama.






New living Translation                                                                                                     7 There were few people left in the villages of Israel– until Deborah arose as a mother for Israel. (Jdg 5:7 NLT)

The Hebrew word for “mother” = em                                                      Strong’s Concordance 0517 אֵם ’em {ame}                                        Meaning:  1) mother 1a) of humans 1b) of Deborah’s relationship to the people (fig.)

What’s amazing is the definition of the Hebrew word “mother” “ is synonymous with a women’s name “Deborah.”

There are many exceptional women in the Bible such as:

 Eve – Mother of All the Living
 Sarah – Wife of Abraham
 Rebekah – Wife of Isaac
Jochebed – Mother of Moses
Hannah – Mother of Samuel the Prophet
Bathsheba – Wife of David
Elizabeth – Mother of John the Baptist
Mary – Mother of Jesus


Mother’s Day Three

Let me take the liberty to add, just one more name to this list, my wife Pauline, who over the years have mothered many daughters in the Lord.

As I write this blog, Pauline is presenting “Date with Destiny,” a function where women are enjoying the Presence of the Lord in a very special way.

Just as the prophetess Deborah, who also functioned as a Judge over the nation of Israel, became the symbol of maternity.

There is not a lot known about Deborah’s family, or the number of Children she had, nonetheless she became the mother of the nation of Israel, to bring them back from the brink of destruction. Deborah lived somewhere about 1150 B.C., about a century or so after the Hebrews entered Canaan, doing this time she became a Judge of Israel.

The judge’s practice was to seek guidance from God through prayer and meditation before making a ruling. Therefore, many of the judges also were considered prophets who spoke “a word from the Lord.”  However, what Israel needed at this time was mothering by the prophetess, Deborah. The Bible says Deborah became their mother, instead of their Judge.

7 There were few people left in the villages of Israel– until Deborah arose as a mother for Israel. (Jdg 5:7 NLT)

Mothers has this kind of effect on their children and are able to get the unsurpassed response.

There are times when The Lord may demonstrate to HIS people by way of special events, such as the nurturing of Mama Deborah.  God’s promise the new and better covenant involves the Holy Spirit nurturing and developing the believers into full maturity. The Holy Spirit will spend time, teaching us how to understand GOD’s word while heling us to live a life pleasing to God.

Having received instruction from God, Deborah summoned an Israelite warrior named Barak. She told him to take 10,000 troops up to Mount Torbor to confront Jabin’s general, Sisera, who led an army made up of 900 iron chariots.

Barak noticed this extraordinary grace upon Deborah, then said “I won’t go to war without you.”

Israel reunites and rallied with their mother

It would be impossible for a man to relate and get the same results, Israel needed a Mom.

At that time Deborah, a prophetess, wife of Lappidoth, was judging Israel. She used to sit under the palm between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim; and the Israelites came up to her for judgment.

If only God’s mothers would continue to walk along side HIS children and give them another rally called to get us started again.



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