Picture language of Psalm 23

Picture language of Psalm 23

Thy rod and thy staff will comfort me taken from the Psalms 23rd chapter, is a beautiful illustration of God’s plan to guide and protect His children.  He is prodding us along with His strategies for each believer’s life.Fotolia_26526345_L

WTT Psalm 23:4 גַּ֤ם כִּֽי־אֵלֵ֙ךְ בְּגֵ֪יא צַלְמָ֡וֶת לֹא־אִ֘ירָ֤א רָ֗ע כִּי־אַתָּ֥ה עִמָּדִ֑י שִׁבְטְךָ֥ וּ֜מִשְׁעַנְתֶּ֗ךָ הֵ֣מָּה יְנַֽחֲמֻֽנִי׃


Meaning: 1) rod, staff, branch, offshoot, club, sceptre, tribe 1a) rod, staff 1b) shaft (of spear, dart) 1c) club (of shepherd’s implement) 1d) truncheon, sceptre (mark of authority) 1e) clan, tribe

04938 מִשְׁעֵנָה mish`enah {mish-ay-naw’} or מִשְׁעֶנֶת mish`eneth {mish-eh’-neth}

Picture language of Psalm 119:89-96

Lamed means “to yoke”, “bind to”

Lamed is a symbol of a goad (staff) used for sheep, cattle or oxen.  It is a long stick with a pointed end used for prodding, to urge forward; a stimulus. Shepherd’s staff to spur and guide livestock which are pulling a plow, a cart or for rounding them up.

Meaning:  God’s authority Who controls and protects us as a shepherd’s staff that leads and guides us to His perfect plan.

We see the word, ox goad used in the Hebrew Bible translation when Jesus confronted Paul (Saul) on the Road to Damascus (Acts 26:14).  He asked Paul, Why are you “kicking against the ox-goads? ” In essence, Jesus is saying: Paul, why are you going against Me, when I am the Shepherd and you are sheep? Don’t you know that you perish when you resist the Word of God?

“We all fell to the ground; and then I heard a voice saying to me, in Hebrew, Paul Why do you keep persecuting me? It’s hard on you to be kicking against the ox-goads.”

Another example of what happens when a person fights against the Law (Torah) is when Pharaoh was enslaving the Israelites.  It was Moses’ staff that God used to show His power over the gods of Egypt.  When Pharaoh kicked against the goad, he lost everything.

Ps. 119 Vs. 89: Your Word continues forever. His immutable purposes, promises, and precepts are already settled.

It’s Not because we don’t have the Word of God that the world is in the condition that it’s in.  The problem exists because there is a lack of pursuit of His Word. The world is no longer seeking God’s Word.

In the old days people would reverently fear God.  They would ask: How can I conform this wretched man that I am into the Holiness of God?  What must I do to be saved?  Unfortunately, today the world wants to know how they can conform the Holiness of God to fit into, to satisfy their own fleshly desires and ambitions. They do not want to be disciplined by the Word. Discipline is an uncomfortable word. But, just like a staff prods and causes discomfort and even temporary pain, it is sometimes necessary for God to get us (sheep) back on track.  A good shepherd goads his sheep into green pastures. A good shepherd leads his sheep where they can find water. A good shepherd will urge his sheep into a place of safety. A good shepherd will protect his sheep from predators.

Picture language of Psalm 23

I have learned the following characteristics of sheep:

1) Sheep have a strong tendency to follow sheep. Even if the sheep are going in the wrong direction. Sheep will follow other sheep to the slaughter or off a cliff. Lambs are hard-wired from birth to follow sheep.  On s positive note, sheep stay together when grazing and they find safety in numbers. They don’t fight but they will stay together as a group and face a predator.  Sheep have keen senses. Lastly, sheep have a strong tolerance to pain. This is because if a predator recognized they were hurt, the sheep would be in risk of being killed.  There is a message in this for spiritual sheep. The enemy knows those who have not allowed Jesus, our Shepherd to heal their wounds of hurt, unforgiveness, and/or situations that cause the sheep to distance themselves from the church.  It is dangerous to be isolated and be separated from the Body of Christ. Beware: Wolves are watching and waiting.

Paul gives advise to pastors in Acts 20:28-30.  Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood. I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. So be on your guard!

There are mental hindrances (predators) to the Word that prevents people from being led by Shepherd.


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