Category Archives: re-marry

Divorce & Christianity 4

Divorce & Christianity 4                                                          

Which type of Divorce threaten the parents of Jesus ?

Christmas crib

A preacher once complained to me that out of all the men in the Bible, he was given for a subject to speak at a function on Joseph, the husband of Mary. “There is nothing in the Bible that Joseph does!” the preacher grumbled. I replied, are you kidding? Do you know that Joseph’s story is one of the most important stories in the Bible?” The story of Joseph (the husband of Mary) and the story of Hosea, triangulates the real meaning of the New Covenant. Joseph, just like Hosea were men who remained faithful to their wives in the worst of circumstances.

Joseph thought he had tangible proof of his wife’s infidelity, nonetheless, when the angel of the Lord said “don’t be afraid to marry her”, this man was willing to believe God.  He married a pregnant woman just because the angel told him that she has the favor of God. This story is amazing to me, because Joseph had the only grounds needed for divorce, yet he doesn’t use it.  This proves that Joseph had a grace on his life that exceeded the grace of everybody in scripture except Hosea when it comes to being a husband.

Divorce & Christianity 4

The Greek word in Matthew 1:18 is used to convey a Legal divorce, not the mean-spirited Semite practice of just kicking the women out doors.

Strong’s Concordance: Divorce 630 πολω apoluo {ap-ol-oo’-o}

Meaning:  1) to set free 2) to let go, dismiss, (to detain no longer, 4) used of divorce, to dismiss from the house. This is the Bill of Divorce, where the Women is allowed to remarry, not the word apoluo = to her put away.

 Even though, Joseph felt he had caught her in sin (without an excuse for being pregnant), he was just like Christ.  Jesus Christ would come as a man who would rather cover than to expose. Mary found safety under her husband’s protection. Joseph may have thought, “If I divorce her, nobody will ever know it”, because these procedures were customary off the records and private.  Joseph never wanted to embarrass Mary. So, when the angel said, the woman is with the Lord, even though he did not understand, Joseph was completely cool with what God was going to do.  All he needed to know was that God was pleased.

Nativity Scene , Saint Etienne du Mont Church, Paris.As Joseph’s name sake, 2501 ωσφ Ioseph {ee-o-safe’}

Meaning:  Joseph = “let him add”    Joseph was created for this role in his life, to forgive his wife just based on God’s word. And to allow God to add someone special into the family of the Human race.  Few marriages would have survived this type of visitation. God was adding to Joseph’s family by means of the Holy Spirit, and God needed the uniqueness of Joseph’s spirit for the success of this most critical mission. Joseph became increasingly more sensitive to God as he assisted Heaven as being an Overseer of the unborn Savior.

Divorce & Christianity 4

 Matthew 1:18                                                                                        18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.

 19 Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily.

 20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. (Mat 1:18-20 KJV)

 21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. (Mat 1:21 KJV)

Divorce & Christianity 4, Tells the believer when your are pure in heart, its easy to be open to heard with Godly grace.