Category Archives: Lamb of God

Revelation’s Lamb Part 1


Living Church Ministries

Over 2,176,707 READS

Demetrics and Pauline Roscoe

Voiceover: Stephanie Bayles

Editor: Val Gunter

Can you picture in your mind, Yeshua (The Lord’s Salvation) as He walks up to the Seven Seals with their exceptional demand on the unique individuality (the harmonizing with the exact signet), as He would open all Seven Seals?

My love for the Word of God increased after my exposure to teachings surrounding the Hebrew culture while in school. Sitting in a classroom and listening to the rich Hebraic mindset helped me to develop greater respect and awe of the Word of God. As believers grow in their faith, they will likely desire a more excellent and more precious expression of worship during their times of devotion. I have found that Bible Scriptures, ascribing greatness and awe to God can be found in the Psalms. These passages speak directly as to who God is, or to something great that God has done.

For instance, I share with our praise and worship team particular phrases or songs that reflect what the Bible says about Adonai’s attributes, His qualities, and His traits which can be seen throughout the Bible. Something I found that blessed me was when I served the Lord for several years as a morning-drive Gospel Radio announcer, I was not always aware that my speaking through the airwaves was a tool God was using to inspire people in their worship moments. That type of exhortation was similar to our devotional prayers (where we speak out loud about who He is to us).

I am also intrigued about ambient background noise that adds to a football game and its effect on those listening to a sports or gymnastics competition. Ambient noise is the sound heard from individual microphones on the field used to capture and create a more vivid account of what is taking place. These types of mikes are called acoustic parabolic focusing microphones. Interestingly, most people do not know there are additional microphones present. However, Monday night football game networks would lose their ratings if these seemly unimportant sound components were missing.

Parabolic Focused Worship

When we can suddenly hear what we have been missing, the subject becomes much clearer. For example, let us look at a popular subject such as “the Lamb of God.”

John the Baptist exclaimed (Jn 1:29-36), “Behold, Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world!”
But, what does this mean? My short answer is that the Lamb of God came to take away my sins. While this a correct answer, there may be a greater revelation in his statement once we get more insight.

In the Jewish culture the Hebrew noun אָשָׁם ’āšām; is the one who absorbed one’s guilt. But, after a sin offering is made; the next step is that a restitution repayment must be made. Sadly, my account is overdrawn. So, what does this mean for me?

The Lamb of God might say: “No worries. Not only did I come to plead for your eternal life while I was dying on the cross, but I also began to pay your sin debt by taking your place.” Thank You, Jesus!

Leviticus 6:24-27 (NLT)
Further Instructions for the Sin Offering
24 Then the Lord said to Moses, 25 “Give Aaron and his sons the following instructions regarding the sin offering. The animal given as an offering for sin is a most holy offering, and it must be slaughtered in the Lord’s presence at the place where the burnt offerings are slaughtered.

26 The priest who offers the sacrifice as a sin offering must eat his portion in a sacred place within the courtyard of the Tabernacle.

27 Anyone or anything that touches the sacrificial meat will become holy. If any of the sacrificial blood spatters on a person’s clothing, the soiled garment must be washed in a sacred place.

What makes only the Lamb of God worthy to open the seals in the Book of Revelation? The power of the Law of Restitution means that “The innocent must be compensated.”
At the same time, it was only when all of the qualifying requirements of prophecies identifying the Jewish Messiah were fulfilled; and His role of suffering Messiah was demonstrated, that He became qualified and authorized as the worthy person to open the seals. Put a crown on Him!

Odds of Christ Fulfilling Prophecy

What made it impossible for any other candidates to qualify was the impossible checklist of things they had to accomplish. Christ satisfied the checklist, precisely as prophesied!
He had to be born as a descendant of King David. Luke 1:27 (Check!)
He had to come out of Egypt. Matthew 2:15
He had to be born in Bethlehem. Matthew 2:1 (Check!)
He had to prove that He knew God. (Check!)
He had to show that He was with God in the Beginning. (Check!) Mark 4:39

He had to prove that He could open the eyes of the blind who never saw before … John 3:4 (Check!)

(CWSB Dictionary)

He must be crucified among two thieves. (Check!)
He had to be resurrected three days after His death and send the Holy Spirit back to earth seven weeks after being crucified on Passover eve. (Check! Check!)

It was not on a regular Sabbath, but, on a High Sabbath.

(CWSB Dictionary)
δευτερόπρωτος deuteróprōtos;

(CWSB Dictionary)
Some translate this word as the first of two Sabbaths, and refer it to a time when two Sabbatical days would immediately succeed each other; e.g., when the first or last day of unleavened bread (Lev. 23:7, 8) fell on the day before the weekly Sabbath, the former would then be a Sabbath “deuteróprōton.”

We will pick up more on this awesome topic on our next blog!

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